CFS/ME/Fibromyalgia/Lyme disease... or just plain old Autistic Exhaustion?

It seems to me that many people I know who suffer from CFS/ME/Fibromyalgia/Lyme disease are also on the autistic spectrum. 

On another thread it was mentioned that autistic exhaustion might present itself as CFS. And this is exactly what I have been told over and over - and it frustrates me no end.

I strongly feel that my burn-out was triggered after I was bitten by an infected tick (I have positive antibodies, to show this occurred - I was never treated with antibiotics, it is 7 years ago now). Since then I have had a lot of trouble  with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, rashes and brain fog and all apparently stress related according to the doctors due to ASD). 

What frustrates me no end is that I believe my story is far more complex than "just autistic exhaustion" on the one hand or 'Lyme disease in all its hype-glory" on the other.

My theory is that autistic people aren't just more sensitive with regard to their senses (hearing, seeing etc) but that our immune system is also a sense, which can be sensitive.

My psych agrees that chronic stress compromises the immune system. Chronic infections like Lyme also undermine the body. 

I once read (but never saw it confirmed) that up to 90% of autistic people have irritable bowel syndrome.

More and more research is showing links between bowels/intestines, immune system and brain and also low level chronic inflammation. 

I'm curious to hear from you if you also are suffering from fatigue, muscle/joint/tendon aches and whether you believe it to be autistic exhaustion or something else. Have any of you also had the bad luck of being sucked on and spat into by an infected tick? Does it affect you?

Are any of you eating really healthily in order to combat chronic low level inflammation? 

I do have more energy now I pace myself more - with few activities and constant choosing and also disappointing others and myself. It is ridiculous how much less energy I have than before (I'm ADHD/ASD). I'd love to hear some advice.

  • I was diagnosed with CFS 15 years ago, and only about 5 years with Autism. To me they are very linked, trying to fit in, trying to socialise, trying to mask who I was, trying to look people in the eye and to pass as neurotypical was exhausting, now I don't bother trying I am less exhausted unless I have to try to mask, family get togethers etc.

  • I was diagnosed with CFS 15 years ago, and only about 5 years with Autism. To me they are very linked, trying to fit in, trying to socialise, trying to mask who I was, trying to look people in the eye and to pass as neurotypical was exhausting, now I don't bother trying I am less exhausted unless I have to try to mask, family get togethers etc.

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