Blood Test to diagnose Autism

I have read in todays press that it is possible to do a Blood Test to diagnose Autism.  You can google the info.  I am surprised that it is possible to do a blood test to diagnose Autism as it is really a personality with traits. I do not if it applies to Adults.  I am sure that if there is a real blood test many of us would be found not to have Autism but it would not help as we have the traits.    I do not know if one just has Asperger Syndrome whether that would show up on a blood test.

If you have any information or views on this subject I hope you will reply to me.


  • I would think the blood test could only be to measure hormone (testosterone) levels as that's the only (autism related) marker I've ever read of that would be measurable in the blood (based on the whole 'male brain theory'). If indeed it is testosterone / hormone levels in general that are being measured then the test could only be used in young children long before puberty kicks in.    

  • Could the test be given to Pregnant women?  If it could then there is a danger that they might decide to abort their babies if they know it has Autism.  I hope that test will be restricted to children when they are already born.

    Thanks for the replies.

  • I don't know if the test could be given to pregnant women.

    According to the 'male brain' theory, autism is / could be caused by the child receiving too much testosterone whilst in the womb. This happens at a very specific time and, in theory at least, could be tested for. In practice, I think there would be too many variables. If this test ever does reach the stage of being repeated on a larger scale, it would likely only apply to children after birth. (And not immediately after either.)

    I think there's a lot more going on in resulting autism than simply a perfectly timed and measured overdose of testosterone. There are genes involved (a specific combination of several possibilities which, on their own, don't mean autism but which when combined do) which one or more parents must carry. Even a genetic test wouldn't be certain because having a gene doesn't mean it's expressed. Also, everyone's autism would show a different genetic make-up (Like everyone's fingerprint) hence the wide spectrum and no two autistic people being exactly the same.  

    I think we're a long, long way from an autism test. Especially in pregnancy.   

  • Well I hope the test cannot be used in Pregnancy as we do not want to eliminate babies who are  going to be different  Thanks for the replies

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