I want to understand about autistic adults difficulties which they face in workplace.

Hello everyone,

I am postgraduate student and I am working on a project to understand about

difficulties faced by autistic adults in their day to day life particularly in workplace.

By research, I came to know that autistic adults are facing a lot of problems in workplace,

but I am not clear about what exact problems they face. I want to create awareness

about their problems in offices so that they get maximum support at workplace. By doing so,

the gap between autistic adults and their colleagues may disappear.

Hopefully, everyone will start understanding them better. If anyone knows about it,

could you please help me in understanding about their problems?

  • Agree with all the comments, I will add a couple:

    • Pointless and patronising questions like "How are you feeling", autistic nightmare question which will certainly provoke a response "I'm fine" followed by at least 1/2 an hour of anxiety.
    • Meetings with more than 3 people in them, which are entirely pointless anyway but doubly pointless for anybody with ASD or ADHD
    • Any "giltchy" communications, phones were terrible but were 100% superior to glitchy/jittery skype calls. 
    • In general having to explain deeply technical things to NT's is pretty pointless because NT's can't understand technology, they might as well give up trying and just sell the stuff.
    • Being expected to talk to anybody who is not immediately relevant to the problem I am trying to solve.
  • Pointless and patronising questions like "How are you feeling", autistic nightmare question which will certainly provoke a response "I'm fine" followed by at least 1/2 an hour of anxiety.

    This is a huge problem to me. I experience the same.

    Meetings with more than 3 people in them, which are entirely pointless anyway but doubly pointless for anybody with ASD or ADHD

    Completely agree. I cannot focus. I am too anxious.

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