I want to understand about autistic adults difficulties which they face in workplace.

Hello everyone,

I am postgraduate student and I am working on a project to understand about

difficulties faced by autistic adults in their day to day life particularly in workplace.

By research, I came to know that autistic adults are facing a lot of problems in workplace,

but I am not clear about what exact problems they face. I want to create awareness

about their problems in offices so that they get maximum support at workplace. By doing so,

the gap between autistic adults and their colleagues may disappear.

Hopefully, everyone will start understanding them better. If anyone knows about it,

could you please help me in understanding about their problems?

  • In addition to the points others have mentioned, i would also add a few things.

    One is 'role-play' in interviews. I can never get my head around those. I just don't understand how much detail i have to go into. For example, i had one for a retail position where i had someone pretending to be a customer, asking me to pretend to phone a pretend colleague about a non-existent item. I really can't cope with all the levels of reality in that. For example, do i need to do both sides of the fictional phone call or do i simply pause in silence whilst we all imagine their pretend response? My questions for more information on the rules of this exercise really worried the interviewer as she didn't understand what there was to understand!

    Another is the culture of working through breaks. I work rather than chat when i am at work, so i need my lunch break. However i get comments on how lazy i am for taking 20 minutes to go and eat something. Especially since i need to get away from everyone for it to be a worthwhile break. Everyone else seems to prefer to stay at their desk, skip meals and just chat the whole day long.

    Another is the general attitude towards rules and regulations, particularly from management. I won't do things that are stupid just because i am told to. However, i used to work in an environment where following set regulations was really important and i accepted that and was happy to do so. But i was the only one who cared and so was told to stop fussing all the time. They were always asking me to sign things without reading them or sign to say something had been done when they had already told me they couldn't be bothered to do it. I refused because i don't agree with that sort of thing and they just went ahead and forged my signature. I know they found me an infuriating fusspot but i just can't work like that as the whole thing is pointless.

  • In addition to the points others have mentioned, i would also add a few things.

    One is 'role-play' in interviews. I can never get my head around those. I just don't understand how much detail i have to go into. For example, i had one for a retail position where i had someone pretending to be a customer, asking me to pretend to phone a pretend colleague about a non-existent item. I really can't cope with all the levels of reality in that. For example, do i need to do both sides of the fictional phone call or do i simply pause in silence whilst we all imagine their pretend response? My questions for more information on the rules of this exercise really worried the interviewer as she didn't understand what there was to understand!

    Another is the culture of working through breaks. I work rather than chat when i am at work, so i need my lunch break. However i get comments on how lazy i am for taking 20 minutes to go and eat something. Especially since i need to get away from everyone for it to be a worthwhile break. Everyone else seems to prefer to stay at their desk, skip meals and just chat the whole day long.

    Another is the general attitude towards rules and regulations, particularly from management. I won't do things that are stupid just because i am told to. However, i used to work in an environment where following set regulations was really important and i accepted that and was happy to do so. But i was the only one who cared and so was told to stop fussing all the time. They were always asking me to sign things without reading them or sign to say something had been done when they had already told me they couldn't be bothered to do it. I refused because i don't agree with that sort of thing and they just went ahead and forged my signature. I know they found me an infuriating fusspot but i just can't work like that as the whole thing is pointless.

  • The job interviews is a total nightmare for me. The role plays is simply torture for me.

    To me a big problem is a open plan office. I cannot focus. I can focus much better when I am alone. I am a completely different person. I am so focused then.

    I also need to get away from everyone for it to be a worthwhile break.

    I know that some organizations are very bureaucratic and everything moves soooooooo slowly.