I want to understand about autistic adults difficulties which they face in workplace.

Hello everyone,

I am postgraduate student and I am working on a project to understand about

difficulties faced by autistic adults in their day to day life particularly in workplace.

By research, I came to know that autistic adults are facing a lot of problems in workplace,

but I am not clear about what exact problems they face. I want to create awareness

about their problems in offices so that they get maximum support at workplace. By doing so,

the gap between autistic adults and their colleagues may disappear.

Hopefully, everyone will start understanding them better. If anyone knows about it,

could you please help me in understanding about their problems?

  • I wish I could work from home. This would be best for me. I would be so happy.

  • The only downside I found - apart from the inconsistent income - was that home became work.  It was difficult to switch off from work and go into 'home mode.' 

    In the end, I overcame this to some extent by installing a second hard drive on my computer, and only using that hard drive for work.  I even used a different OS on it.  That way, I could simply switch off - then reboot on the 'home' hard drive.

  • The only downside I found - apart from the inconsistent income - was that home became work.  It was difficult to switch off from work and go into 'home mode.' 

    In the end, I overcame this to some extent by installing a second hard drive on my computer, and only using that hard drive for work.  I even used a different OS on it.  That way, I could simply switch off - then reboot on the 'home' hard drive.

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