Are there any women here?

Hi, I’m new to the forum and want to know if there are any women here online (I’m a  female professional in my early 40s). From reading some posts you are out there but kind of in the minority....I am hoping to seek diagnosis very soon and would appreciate knowing I’m not alone out here..! Thank you

  • Hi I’m a 56 female, I was officially diagnosed with ASD Aspergers at end of January, after waiting over year on NHS waiting list. I have posted hear before, but not done so for a while. Get a bit muddled as to how one should reply, so I hope I am using the right bit.

  • Your reply looks fine to me! A year is a long time to wait. Here, in Belgium I had to wait for several months, and the tests were spread out over several weeks and it cost 300 EUR in a private centre. Do you get good advice and support once you get the diagnosis? Have you been able to share it with family/friends/colleagues? Or is it all a bit tricky?

  • Your reply looks fine to me! A year is a long time to wait. Here, in Belgium I had to wait for several months, and the tests were spread out over several weeks and it cost 300 EUR in a private centre. Do you get good advice and support once you get the diagnosis? Have you been able to share it with family/friends/colleagues? Or is it all a bit tricky?

  • Good luck!! I hope you get some good support. it is strange how people especially family sometimes react strangely to diagnosis. I think maybe also their  initial reaction is a bit like: "I have known you for tens of years and I should have noticed and I didn't notice anything", so it is almost like a defensive reaction at first not to accept it. There are certain stereotypes: the boy who only loves the vacuum cleaner, doesn't make eye contact and can't listen. And somehow, if you don't fit that image, a lot of people don't see autism in it.  

  • Hi, glad I got it in the right place. Yes a year is a long time to wait, it was a real struggle to get on the waiting list, I couldn’t afford to go private, Here in uk that cost a great deal. I’m fortunate that my family are now accepting of me, it certainly explains some issues we have had over the years. When I First started to look at the pooibilty that it was an ASD they weren’t very happy, but over the time I waited for the assessment they have come to understand and when I was finically diagnosed they were surpicingly accepting. As were my few friends, one is herself on the spectrum. I’m disabled as well as having Aspergers and thus unable to work. I’m waiting for the follow up appointment at which we discuss what happens next and what if anything they can help with.