Flexible working request


I was wondering if anyone can help me to fill out a flexible working request. 

On the form it says I need to write what affect this will have on the company and colleagues. I am applying to go from full time to 3 days a week. 

I also wondered if this request shouldn't be a reasonable adjustments request instead. My boss have already made it clear to me that the business can't accommodate part time working, but it's due to my disability that I would like to request to work 3 days a week.

Not sure where I stand with this, I already have a employment tribunal claim against my work and they have admitted all their failures but is now sending me to a specialist because they say autism doesn't fall under the equality act. 

I really want to work and I am worried I will never find another job. 

Hope someone can help me with this flexible working request.

Thank you. 

  • Hello ,

    I am in a very similar situation.

    However, I would like to work from home not simply part-time. My employer discourages me from submitting the flexible working request as they say that the business can't accommodate working from home 2 days a week.

    My employer also has the same question - I need to write what affect this will have on the company and colleagues.

    That flexible working form is quite long. I do not know what to do. I also do not want to make things worse.

    My employer would be happy with part-time but does not want to give me working from home.

    I think, your request should be a reasonable adjustments request not a flexible working request.

    I also really want to work and I am also worried I will never find another job as the job interviews are horrible experience for me.

    Now I am also focusing on setting up my own business and becoming a self-employed. I see this as the only way out from the corporate office culture and become a happy person.

    I simply want flexibility and work-life balance. My work-life is in total imbalance.

    It is really difficult to work and focus when the environment is not supportive. Not to mention motivation. My motivation is to do something is almost zero.

  • I would like to work from home not simply part-time.

    Working from home can be a reasonable adjustment.

    I suggest you look at the TUC's Autism in the Workplace document:

    This Equality and Human Rights Commission web page contains a small section on autism:
    and the "Workplace adjustments" web pages are worth reading.

    You may also wish to contact NAS for advice:

  • I read somewhere that the employers usually by default reject everything and as a reason mention a business reason. At least, my employer is a perfect example.

    Unfortunately, in most cases, if one wants the adjustment, one has to fight for it.

    Realistically, what are other people's experiences with the working from home requests?

  • I read somewhere that the employers usually by default reject everything and as a reason mention a business reason. At least, my employer is a perfect example.

    Unfortunately, in most cases, if one wants the adjustment, one has to fight for it.

    Realistically, what are other people's experiences with the working from home requests?
