Fear of phones?

Does anyone else have a horror of talking on the phone? I have hated using the phone since I was a child, although it is hard to pin down exactly why I dislike it so much. I think my main difficulty is 'reading' how a conversation is going when I can't see the other person. I pause for too long, or jump in too soon, or struggle to pick up crucial info from their tone - is this a bad time to call? am I making myself clear?

I am currently going through a work-related nightmare scenario where I have been asked to make loads of phone calls - in a situation I have always previously handled by email - and I feel stressed and anxious about all the time: anticipating the calls, making the calls, reflecting on the calls. It is supposed to be making everyone feel encouraged, but if any of the hapless recipients are like me they will be thoroughly put off!

I have always thought this was just a random failure on my part, but now I am wondering whether it is integral to my nature.

  • It's to do with auditory processing issues. I now avoid phoning, but my pension company wouldn't let me have my money without forcing me to 'listen' to a long phone call, despite listening problems and meltdown whilst on the phone. More than a year later they still refuse to offer a written alternative. Because I couldn't listen properly the contract by phone was probably illegal.  Lots of companies ignore letters or leave phone messages to cal them. Just because we can hear but can't process information we are penalised.

  • Did you manage to sort this out? I've just found out that my pension provider has the same policy. I'm thinking of stopping my contributions and saving in cash instead, as at least then I retain access to the money. I can't do calls at all - the sound coming out of the phone is just random noises and I can't tell when it's my turn to speak.

  • Did you manage to sort this out? I've just found out that my pension provider has the same policy. I'm thinking of stopping my contributions and saving in cash instead, as at least then I retain access to the money. I can't do calls at all - the sound coming out of the phone is just random noises and I can't tell when it's my turn to speak.
