Two minutes to midnight

  • I don't think it will happen, the whole doomsday clock is just a political tool, nothing more than a joke really.

    Still, there are two "assets" that will be inherently valuable in an apocalypse should one happen, the skills to survive and the will to kill other people. You'll need to be able to at the very least hunt and forage for food and will almost certainly have to kill other people to keep what's yours, and perhaps even take what's theirs to survive and protect your family. I know I can survive on my own. I've hunted, gutted and cooked rabbits, pigeons and pheasants before and I have an air rifle and crossbow (which it's illegal to hunt with, but then if civilisation has collapsed law won't really matter), I know what plants in the wild I can and can't eat, I have reasonable medical knowledge etc. What I don't know is if I'm capable of killing to protect friends and family. I suspect I probably am, just because I suspect that we all are when push comes to shove, it wouldn't be pleasant, but for most of human history most people have been capable of killing and I very much doubt we're deep down, in an us or them situation, any different.

  • Which plants would you recommend, as long as there isn't fallout to deal with?

Reply Children
  • There's loads, it's very seasonal and much harder in winter, spring, summer and autumn you can pretty much eat for free. You can eat everything from acorns to nettles provided you know how to prepare them. There's a couple of really good Ray Mears bushcraft guides that tell you all you'll need to know.