Am I really THAT different.

So, I'm twenty two years old and I was recently diagnosed a few months ago but then I've never really felt like I belong,
I've made friends in the past, but we all seem to grow apart. 

I'm not sure how to go about making more, I've tried going out on night's out and stuff, as I'm "Supposed to do." at my age, like Nightclubs, and bars, pubs. 
I don't drink, nor am I allowed, so people slowly get more and more drunk, and their inhibitions go. I find myself just feeling uncomfortable.

It's not that I DONT like talking to people, it's really that I don't know how to engage certain situations, since people aren't honest.

People can say "Oh, yeah I'm fine." and I'll think "Oh okay -carries on talking-" then they just like snap and get pissy, and im like "What?" 

Nightclubs are not really that fun, if you're not drinking. (maybe its not even if you are.) but yeah, people shove past you, you get crowded in. People look at you strangely cs' you're just in the corner looking at the lights reflect on the smoke, and listening to the overwhelming loud music.

I feel like I'm losing everyone I know, that I care about. Because I don't know how to keep them in my life. 

I can't find a partner, because I don't even know who i am, and the fake persona I've used for years is slowly fading, cs' I don't want to be that person anymore, I want to be myself. But the only people that accept me as that, are my immediate family (Which isn't a complaint) but it'd be nice to have some other people.

Does anyone else experience this sort of thing, or has in the past and found a solution, cs' I'm not sure how to deal with this, and a sure answer of what to do would be amazing.

Thanks, I'm new to this community by the way, I hope I havent dragged you all down with my trivial problems. 

  • Nightclubs? I could never understand the attraction of them.  Pubs likewise - we have an excellent one close to us that serves as a small music venue and social hub for the area, but on the few occassions we go in, we desparately try to get away from the crowd watching the music and hide in a quiet corner.  Much too stressful.  But that doesn't stop me recommending the pub to others.

    I have hobbies and interests where little talking is required, though some others go to the pub afterwards (they accept that it would be rare for me to follow them).  Music - learning an instrument or playing in a band / orchestra is a good one - kind of sociable.  Or some sports - Tai Chi is great - like meditation but forcing you to think about what you're doing rather than emptying your mind.

  • Hi Capers123, I recently found a pub with a chess board which was pretty cool, beat the people I played. Was cool. 
    I liked the music on the jukebox too, it was pre-2000's! 
    But yeah, the people there were decent, if not a bit overly sarcastic.

  • Hi Capers123, I recently found a pub with a chess board which was pretty cool, beat the people I played. Was cool. 
    I liked the music on the jukebox too, it was pre-2000's! 
    But yeah, the people there were decent, if not a bit overly sarcastic.

  • hehe, Im a big Elvis Presley Fan, so Im more 50's - 70's. 
    Beatles, Neil Diamond, Led Zeppelin, Jefferson Airplane. Love 'em. Old fart's generally know what they're talking about, since they have good experience. hehe.

  • I liked the music on the jukebox too, it was pre-2000's! 

    Obviously I'm old so am gonna be biased but that sounds like a good jukebox! Too many talentless fame obsessed wannabee's around these days... I have some music post 2000 but my preference is mid 60s to mid 90s... once Radiohead stopped writing proper tunes and started tinkering about around 1998 things went south pretty quickly for me. Bit that's just one old fart's opinion LOL!