'The pain of isolation...'

Interesting article, I think.

'Why would a person with Asperger's feel driven to suicide? To me, the answer to this is obvious. The need to bond with others is a basic human need. The very definition of Asperger's is to have trouble fulfilling that need. So why is it surprising that someone with these difficulties might fall into despair?'

The Pain of Isolation: Asperger's and Suicide

  • Thank you for sharing.

    We work in DV and often come across victims suffering medical and mental health conditions similar to the.

    My concerning is often the victims partner is using there condition against them and manipulating them. Often its protectivegroup.com.au/.../ . Coercive control generally involves manipulation and intimidation to make victims of coercive control scared, isolated, and dependent on the abuser. Coercive control signs and behaviours can be found below.Coercive Control and Coercive Behaviour is designed to make a person dependent by isolating them from support, exploiting them, depriving them of independence and regulating their everyday behaviour.Various victim survivors coercive control support groups and women aid organisations globally are also raising awareness of Coercive Control and Coercive Behaviour.

  • Thank you for sharing.

    We work in DV and often come across victims suffering medical and mental health conditions similar to the.

    My concerning is often the victims partner is using there condition against them and manipulating them. Often its protectivegroup.com.au/.../ . Coercive control generally involves manipulation and intimidation to make victims of coercive control scared, isolated, and dependent on the abuser. Coercive control signs and behaviours can be found below.Coercive Control and Coercive Behaviour is designed to make a person dependent by isolating them from support, exploiting them, depriving them of independence and regulating their everyday behaviour.Various victim survivors coercive control support groups and women aid organisations globally are also raising awareness of Coercive Control and Coercive Behaviour.

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