Anyone else freaking out over Christmas?

I thought I had it all under control until this weekend. I finished xmas shopping 2 weeks ago (online of course). 

Then  this weekend happened and I remembered how much needs doing at home, none of which I will get any help with. In fact I will probably get made to feel guilty for spending so much time making sure our house doesn't look like a s%&t-tip when my family come on xmas day. I feel like I never manage to do anything anyway, because holding down my full time job with 4hr a day commute takes all the energy I have, and there's none left for anything else. Nor any time.

Add to that my neighbour (very elderly) called me yesterday, which is normally the precursor to my being summoned for something or another. It's mostly this which has caused my anxiety levels to go through the roof. I dread her phoning me. I don't have time to keep going over there and then I feel like a bad person because she's old and lonely ..... but on the other hand she has a live in carer and her family are in the same village as us, so why do I have to be made to feel that way? If I do go over there, I am always left feeling like I am being told off about something (you never come to see me, I could hear your husband's guitar the other day, do you want me to get my gardener to do xxxx in your garden, the implication being that I am not keeping it tidy enough for her ....) I just wish she would decide she doesn't like me and leave me alone. I also feel like I am being watched all the time. She knows when I go out, when I get home, when my mum last visited ..... I know she has nothing better to do, but it creeps me out tbh.

I thought I was doing really well with the whole xmas thing but now I feel like a wreck again and just want to hide in a corner. And I have got to work for half of this week. It's probably a good thing that I am here on my own now or I would probably end up losing it and yelling at someone by the end of the day. Has anyone else found a way to keep a lid on the xmas panic?

  • I understand your Christmas/neighbour situation.

    I have has my share of neighbour nuisances  Which I have described previously.  I NOW feel no guilt about finishing it with one of my previous neighbours.  She was very manipulative and knew exactly what she was doing.  I was so sick of her abusive/nuisance phone calls, In the end I changed my phone number.

    As for Christmas, I have been informally invited round to my sister's,. I am dreading it.  Being alone at Christmas is bad.  But going there could be worse.  She and her husband are as NT as it gets. And they have considered me to be weird for as long as I can remember.  However, Not going to an invitation could make a bad situation worse.

  • I don't think this one tries to be nasty, but I just can't cope with it. Trouble is I never quite know whether she is being manipulative or whether the comments that sound snidey to me actually are, or whether it is just her being old and rude and me being useless at interpreting. I really do wish she'd decide she doesn't like me and start ignoring me!

    I wouldn't want to be alone at Christmas but it sounds like your relatives won't be exactly painless either. Probably they would get the hump if you didn't go - people are like that, aren't they? Lots of wine with xmas dinner may be the best bet! That's what I used to do when faced with my ex-mother-in-law at xmas, who had about the same effect on me (and thought I was the antichrist). At least then you have an excuse to go to sleep after lunch too :-) Seriously though, in company and irritated is probably better than depressed and alone, and potentially putting backs up by turning down the invitation. I take it that they don't have any real grasp of / interest in what would make you more comfortable / happy then?

  • I don't think this one tries to be nasty, but I just can't cope with it. Trouble is I never quite know whether she is being manipulative or whether the comments that sound snidey to me actually are, or whether it is just her being old and rude and me being useless at interpreting. I really do wish she'd decide she doesn't like me and start ignoring me!

    I wouldn't want to be alone at Christmas but it sounds like your relatives won't be exactly painless either. Probably they would get the hump if you didn't go - people are like that, aren't they? Lots of wine with xmas dinner may be the best bet! That's what I used to do when faced with my ex-mother-in-law at xmas, who had about the same effect on me (and thought I was the antichrist). At least then you have an excuse to go to sleep after lunch too :-) Seriously though, in company and irritated is probably better than depressed and alone, and potentially putting backs up by turning down the invitation. I take it that they don't have any real grasp of / interest in what would make you more comfortable / happy then?
