Feelings of loneliness?

I am autistic and so is my child. All my family know about my child's diagnosis and some know about mine. Despite this, I feel intense rejection or isolation from some members of my family. As though every time my child gets upset the other children are whisked away and told it's not their fault (not that it is is there fault but it's the whisk them off and turn their back on my child which hurts). If any other child in my family was upset I would try and comfort them and reassure them. This doesn't seem to happen for my child (by some).

I feel such intense loneliness sometimes and that is my worse fear for my child; that they will be lonely. It hurts so incredibly much that some members of my family seem to struggle to accept us. It could be my own misinterpretation but it causes such anxiety and nausea. 

Has anyone else felt this kind of rejection and loneliness and it be unfounded? I want it to be unfounded.

  • Yes to the rejection and loneliness. I'm sorry, but it isn't unfounded, even though you want that to be true, and probably quite badly, because logically all parents want the best for their children, and at a minimum want their children to be happy.

    My adult son was apparently diagnosed with Aspergers many years ago (my ex-wife never bothered to tell me). He was socially isolated throughout his school years and was also bullied to some extent for being identifiably different to his peers.

    He has ended up with a bunch of mental health challenges and after becoming suicidal because of the expectations and pressure (from the school he was in) has been seeing a psychologist and a therapist for his depression.

    Despite suppressing my own feelings as a strategy to get me through life, I have my own "issues".

  • When does loneliness become something else?

  • @NAS6319, I'm not sure we're qualified to answer that. If you're stuck inside a situation it can sometimes be difficult to remain sufficiently objective.

    You should perhaps ask this question of a fully qualified mental health professional.

  • I think you’re right, maybe that’s why I love parks and swings. I’ve never read Lord of the Flies but if it’s like what’s in my head, I could have wrote it! Lol! 

  • I am very childlike.....I guess harking back to happier and more care free times.....bikes and swings.....rather than this Lord of the Flies existence x

  • Loving the image ~ I pictured a big and interesting park full of us, all on bikes, small ones of course, speeding around, happy as hell, delivering messages to each other then ringing our bellsNo good tone1aking out tassels and off we go again! #parklife

  • And you too ellie.

    i can see that image Lol. Hope you get to glide that path for a little while before the climb,maybe the stabilisers could be removed by then?

    take care you and all, deep thought I like you much, 

  • I hope you are visualising a fully grown elephant on a very small pink bike at this point! Happy Friday everyone out there! 

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