Miswired Women of the Net!

An informal thread for all misfired and miswired women on the spectrum...,(and guests). A new thread as we can chat away but are not so good tidying up after ourselves....too busy being awesome..,,

This is a new iteration of many long and warm and welcoming contributions. This is a happy and supportive place x 

Parents Reply Children
  • Where have my friends gone? Nite nite all.it is late, sleep well, I hope you all sleep well and wake up and have a good start of a nice day ().

  • It nice that they trusted me to tell me, they must have sensed something in me? I trusted them too,

    I told them I was Aspergers,the reply I got was “that’s ok I have a few good friends who are also autistic, we chatted like we had a common understanding, 

    it was a free conversation with no hang ups or awkwardness,a common trust.

    I feel chatty tonite,Lol.

    lots to catch up on. 

    It could be a long night?

    I feel a long rambling thread lurking,,,,

    Haven’t decided what the subject matter is yet?

    probably something on my mind,

    oh nite nite missy,take care.x().

  • Good night Missy x

  • It is nice when you get that connection!

    One of The people told me they were ADHD and dyslexic, my kind of person, 


  • Sorry to be party pooper but have to sleep now. So good to see you Ellie and Lw. Xxx

  • That sounds good.. makes a huge difference to connect with like minded folk. I’ve been preoccupied too with on going situations. But like you been reading some of the conversations. 

  • It would be warmer than Scotland and without midges but we might get sucked into a black hole 

  • Seems not ellie! Haven’t been on for quite some time,

    I see you have all been getting to know each other, that’s really good, we all need to share our experiences in life, the struggles,the pitfalls,how each of us try to cope, it is good to be part of a common understanding, 

    Hi missy good to see you too, I have been a bit tied up of late,not literally folks, lots learnt,lots to tell, I have been lucky to meet some interesting eyes wide open people.my kind of people, I won’t be to specific as there trust in me shall be respected, just really nice alternative people, my mates Lol.


  • That’s where we all go is it?!