Getting a specially trained dog for adult with Aspergers?


I'm 21 and have Aspergers and would like to get a dog to assist me when in need, to aid my social development and just generally to keep me company and be a positive addition to my life. I'm very aware of the fact that pre-trained dogs seem to only be available to children, and all other recognised service dogs are for people with physical disabilities.

So what I'm wondering is, has anyone here managed to find an organisation which provides specially trained dogs to adults with Aspergers?
Also as far as I know (I haven't checked) the flat I will be moving into soon does not allow pets but as I would have my dog as an assistance dog I'm hoping they'll make an exception.
So what I'm also wondering is, has anyone with Aspergers/anyone who is a parent/carer of someone with Aspergers managed to have a dog accepted in their flat despite the tenancy stating pets are not allowed?

I reckon I'd have to get a regular dog and have it trained over time so I doubt the housing organisation will believe that I don't want it just as an everyday pet. 
If anyone can give me any tips on how to persuade them by proving the dog is vital for my mental wellbeing that would be great :)

  • Hi, I'd think even a dog that isn't specially trained will do those things for you. I think that because my cat does it, even though, unlike dogs would, she is not with me when meeting others, but having her still helps. For one thing I have something safe to talk about and also people see me as a cat person rather than someone who's a bit strange. Think dogs do that even more so because you take them out and can take them with you when meeting others. And keeping you company and add something positive to your life, well, come on, that's just what dogs love doing! Again, a lot more than cats, but I certainly get both from mine. The only thing that would probably require some special training may be if you get meltdowns quite easily because you would want the dog to stay calm rather than getting afraid of you or possibly trying to defend you and attack others. Otherwise you just want a dog that likes the things you like and in addition is generally friendly and happy to meet others, but a lot of dogs are like this without special training.

  • Hi, I'd think even a dog that isn't specially trained will do those things for you. I think that because my cat does it, even though, unlike dogs would, she is not with me when meeting others, but having her still helps. For one thing I have something safe to talk about and also people see me as a cat person rather than someone who's a bit strange. Think dogs do that even more so because you take them out and can take them with you when meeting others. And keeping you company and add something positive to your life, well, come on, that's just what dogs love doing! Again, a lot more than cats, but I certainly get both from mine. The only thing that would probably require some special training may be if you get meltdowns quite easily because you would want the dog to stay calm rather than getting afraid of you or possibly trying to defend you and attack others. Otherwise you just want a dog that likes the things you like and in addition is generally friendly and happy to meet others, but a lot of dogs are like this without special training.

  • There are one or two YouTube videos showing how an an assistance dog can be helpful. Companionship and a pets instinct in themselves are helpful as Oktanol says but assistance dogs can go with you to places where you feel less confident and potential to become stressed like supermarkets or shopping or social gatherings. In the video above it’s the lady giving the commands but at times the dog would realise before the person that help was needed. In addition they can be trained to help cross the road and other safety issues either out and about or in the home. It would be good if assistance dogs for those with adult autism were more ge eternally accepted like those for people with sight and hearing disabilities.