Are you a messy eater

I most definitely am. I put on a clean t shirt yesterday evening after a shower and soon there were several marks where I had had a pot noodle. Now I've just had an orange and of course some of the juice has gone on my t shirt . Years ago when little my granddaughters would say I needed to wear one of those pelican bibs.

  • Am I the only one here that is so ordered in my eating?

    well you did ask! Sit back,get comfy and be amazed It’s a long read Lol.

    I have my own specific cutlery,my own oval plates,I use the right hand for the fork and left for the knife

    .A plate of food will be eaten in a specific order! Starting with least wanted first,it may have an added food to make it more palatable mixed with it,every chip will be at least cut in half,I am mindful to leave one piece of food that can be used to hold gravy or juice so that it can be removed from plate into my mouth. The plate must be clean,any non edible bits will be sorted and placed at one spot on the plate. The best part of the meal would be the last fork full, all the tiny bits containing the complete ingredients but together and full of flavour, a mini compost if you will.

    That is the basic order when I eat, it changes to suit each meal type, a roast will be so much more organised and mixed to balance the different quantities of each food type. The aim is to end up with a clean plate,gravy to piece of food ratio sufficient to add moisture but also soak up enough gravy for a clean and easy finish.

    A fry up is vastly different invapproach. The egg yolk if possible  will be left while. It is amazing when eaten complete.

    The baked bean to toast or fried bread ratio is worked out while eating.never like to eat toast dry,so beans or juice rationed accordingly.

    So any mess created will be by shear accident. It is unlikely with my strict likes and order but does from time to time happen.

    Everything I eat has to be kept neat? Sandwiches must not have bits hanging out as I have bitten it,I will nibble it to be uniform. In fact thinking about it I really stick to very tight patterns when eating, I do not enjoy uncontrollable food items, juicy pears taste awesome but the sensation of juice running everywhere cannot be tolerated.biscuits that crumble all over as you take a bite a big no no.crisps I enjoy but the packet must be opened at the top and completely empty,the folded into thirds,creased tightly and then tied in a knot.The size of packet makes no differenceLol.

    I may have missed a lot of my quirks,I am a lover of basic foods, no fancy stuff for me,bangers and mash,fry ups, Sunday roasts,bubble and squeak,jacket potatoes.x take care all big hugs to my pals on here ()()()()()()()

    10R 161V

  • Haha, that's exactly how I eat, the same order pretty much and no mess. Can't stand mess when eating, somehow it also bothers me when others leave their plates full of stuff, gravy or just random bits... I'd happily invite you for dinner ;-)

  • offer accepted Lol.

  • Oh and every meal must be completed as being born in times of austerity it was not a choice but a must.

    hence least liked first as always room for the best.

    I am fortunate that my weight rarely varies,9:6stone,currently a bit less but top weight being ten stone.

  • Thats not a problem, I can sit at the table without it bothering me, I just prefer at home to be less formal and enjoy my food.

    I too hate seeing left over food smeared all over and tissues and empty sachets on a plate, I also clear my items away when eating out in cafes.

  • Oh, that may cause problems, I always eat at a table (unless outside, but even then I'd rather sit on a bumpy stone and use the flat one as a table)...

Reply Children
  • Oh and every meal must be completed as being born in times of austerity it was not a choice but a must.

    hence least liked first as always room for the best.

    I am fortunate that my weight rarely varies,9:6stone,currently a bit less but top weight being ten stone.

  • Thats not a problem, I can sit at the table without it bothering me, I just prefer at home to be less formal and enjoy my food.

    I too hate seeing left over food smeared all over and tissues and empty sachets on a plate, I also clear my items away when eating out in cafes.