Involuntary outbursts when alone - sort of Tourette's

Very recently diagnosed with ASD. Does anyone else get a sort of mild Tourette's? When I am alone I tend to say things that I'm thinking, or come out with an involuntary groan or word. It happens particularly when I think of something embarrassing. Is this an ASD thingy? Thanks!

  • When I’m on my own sometimes I would talk gibberish... although never did it public I was getting embarrassed anyway, I couldn’t get why I’m doing it.

    Also I’ve got a thought always the same two words quite bad, which bothers me because it is towards God ... I remember it since I was a child.

  • I talk gibberish a lot (sometimes when I'm not on my own!)  I come out with nonsense words, which I find it easy to make up.  I'll speak a sentence out loud of completely made up nonsense words.  For instance, I might go into the bathroom, look at the towel draped over the bath, and say 'Mm... plenge-ramps.'  I've no idea what it means, or whether it's a noun or an adjective.  I'll just say it, spontaneously.  Maybe some of it stems from my love of nonsense verse, and 'The Goons' (Spike Milligan was heavily influenced by the nonsense poets... needle-nardle-noo!)

    At work, I sometimes do it for the amusement of others, and myself.  I'll go into a room and say to whoever is there 'I need to get some do-dahs for the wossname.  Do you know where the thingumyjigs are?'

  • I talk gibberish a lot (sometimes when I'm not on my own!)  I come out with nonsense words, which I find it easy to make up.  I'll speak a sentence out loud of completely made up nonsense words.  For instance, I might go into the bathroom, look at the towel draped over the bath, and say 'Mm... plenge-ramps.'  I've no idea what it means, or whether it's a noun or an adjective.  I'll just say it, spontaneously.  Maybe some of it stems from my love of nonsense verse, and 'The Goons' (Spike Milligan was heavily influenced by the nonsense poets... needle-nardle-noo!)

    At work, I sometimes do it for the amusement of others, and myself.  I'll go into a room and say to whoever is there 'I need to get some do-dahs for the wossname.  Do you know where the thingumyjigs are?'

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