A continuation from the first "Thread", which is now quite long, yet only at times digressing.
If anyone cannot find the previous "Thread", then have a go at entering parts of the title of this here thread, into a "Search"-Box.
...Certainly, All who visit, are welcome to paste anything into either that previous Thread or into this new one.

(As always, glad tidings and a generous Thank You, to one and all from myself.) また... がんばって 下さいな...

  • I have written before, that following Interest in this Thread falling off, that I shall still use it for myself as a kind of NoteBook concerning the Internet. And so I have meant to Post some of this for a while.
    December 2017, saw my EReader display a LOT of worrying errors, including not being able to Log on at all. Yet the errors concerning "disappearing Posts" (and even whole Threads?!) apparently affect many other persons, and so is likely linked to recent changes, instead of just my own EReader being sort of arthritic...

    Also. The festive season (including New Year) saw the NAS Forum experience two sets of so-called "spamming": one during Christmas and the other around the 5/6/7th of January 2018. In both cases, the "spam" Threads were simply deleted, utterly, and apparently this is a business which everyone is supposed to just ignore, instead of fret about, like I do...!

    To anyone who (unfortunately?) reads this long Post to its end - *and* contributed to the deleted Thread (which had a twin Thread the topic of which I would do best not to mention) --- what I attempt to ask is this: Before deleting the Thread, did NAS send you any warning? Or is it just "gone" and "shrugged off" as one of those things about the Internet? If so... this is why I do not like the Internet, yet it is socially enforced... just like "real" NT life...

    End of Post.

  • Sorry, I hadn't noticed something disappeared, I probably hadn't contributed since I'm not too keen on such spam threads, also because they get very quickly very long and unlike long posts very unreadable.

    Anyway, I would be massively surprised if anyone had been informed. Had I contributed I probably would have been somewhat irritated about it disappearing and if it had been something I was really passionate about I would have been a bit upset. Seems to be quite an Aspie thing. Noticed this just today at work. Someone is quite unwell, I learned about it in the morning and it was pulling me down all day and will keep doing so and I don't even think it's wrong really, but then others heard about it, were quite shocked and 10 min later everyone was back to normal - I just can't do that. And you have a bit more of that Aspie thing than I do, I think, and the NAS people deleting something probably have it a lot less than us. You could teach them something if they read it, you have taught me a fair bit (to see why people can't understand why I get worked up about things that "are not a problem at all", and to at least try and put my feet a bit more into the shoes of people that see problems where I don't think there is one). Keeping in mind that it's very rarely done intentionally and maybe having a chat (on here) about such things helps when they happen? At least in real life I find it does help. So don't assume it's simply not for you if something here upsets you, after all, there may be others who think that too, possibly for the same reasons.

  • ...Good Evening. I just wanted to say that the last (January) "Spam" Threads were NOT all that obvious as "Spam", or whatever the correct term is ("Phishing"?)... but I am of a very nervous/paranoid sort, and so I noticed the Threads yet did not Post within them, and so I also notice when they disappeared, not because they were "Spam/Phishing", but because a lot of Persons I "follow" had made one of the Threads interesting. The entire affair seems not fair to myself, and so I wondered if it happened often... but NAS often does everything while saying nothing...

    End of Post.

  • ...Good Evening. I just wanted to say that the last (January) "Spam" Threads were NOT all that obvious as "Spam", or whatever the correct term is ("Phishing"?)... but I am of a very nervous/paranoid sort, and so I noticed the Threads yet did not Post within them, and so I also notice when they disappeared, not because they were "Spam/Phishing", but because a lot of Persons I "follow" had made one of the Threads interesting. The entire affair seems not fair to myself, and so I wondered if it happened often... but NAS often does everything while saying nothing...

    End of Post.

  • I fully agree with you.  The two original posts were illegal and should have been deleted immediately.

    But the moderators on these forums are part time and it took some time for them to notice it and take action.

    I'm not sure if anyone took them seriously or ordered any substance.  Or if they were meant as a joke in the first place ???? Hugging

  • Think the only reason why it wasn't deleted earlier or "straight away" was that the NAS people can't keep reading every post immediately, so once someone read it it was probably deleted very quickly. Perhaps when they get a notification then they'll do it sooner, but since it had gone rather funny I didn't see a need for sending them one, maybe someone else did. Both threads were illegal, both in terms of rules on this forum and content. Suppose if you didn't spot that straight away it's a sign you are too innocent for this world (guess many of us are) and not particularly interested in chemistry. I had boarded a train a while ago and two police guys came, asked me first where I'm going and then if I had *****. I had no idea, despite a strong interest in chemistry... I didn't actually understand what they asked me for so asked very innocently back what this is and I guess you could not have pretended it that convincingly plus I looked quite healthy, so me not having the slightest clue they quickly decided there was another woman in a red jacket they were after. She was on the same coach and did indeed look rather worn out despite being probably younger than me. So don't worry about not spotting it, just don't buy cyanide!

  • I remember it, it was wrong and should I think have been edited for one and deleted for the other, the one that was replied to mocked the person sending it.

    it destroyed it’s intent by using humour.

    once it had been rendered useless the top part could have been deleted leaving the humour where it was, 

    ...This is what I was thinking at the time, also, and so I attempt to "quote" there... but I still have to sign off (my vision is blurring and everything...) Thanks, again (!)

  • Thank You Mr. Warrior, and I offer equal Gratitude to yourself as I do to Mr.Robert, ... yet it is past Half-Past-One in the morning of a next Wednesday, and I find it hard to reply... Thank You Very Much for also validating this particular Topic.

    ...And from yourself, another confirmation that "Notifications" are also going awry ("Misfit61" said the same, I think upon another Thread)...?!

    I must Sign off, now, I do apologise... and shall likely see this upon the 'Morrow and think..."Why did I sign off, like that??"... I really am *that* tired right now...! Thank You again. No, really, Thank You, I mean it... and all that...Thanks... I shall end this Post because I am repeating the Thanks so much, perhaps... Thanks for Posting and reading, very much...

    ...and Thanks, though!

  • I remember it, it was wrong and should I think have been edited for one and deleted for the other, the one that was replied to mocked the person sending it.

    it destroyed it’s intent by using humour.

    once it had been rendered useless the top part could have been deleted leaving the humour where it was, 

    i wascamazed at the humour and ability to diminish its intent, it gave it no meaning, strong ability by those on here, 

    After a while it became light hearted and was used as a means to celebrate a birthday, although light hearted the person who was inviting everyone to her birthday was in actual fact really having a birthday, I don’t think anyone noticed it as being a genuine special day. 

    I kept away as I had not realised there was humour  being added, once I saw for myself it was very late and most had gone to sleep.

    i happened  to know it was a birthday for a special person.

    I quickly added very many emoticons, I wanted the birthday person to be suprised in the morning, even happy. 

    It became a very full reply i  did,lots  of emoticons with drinks,cake,balloons, instruments,just loads of them, 

    i wrote many kind words for a kind person. 

    It looked very nice,very colourful.

    then in the morning it suddenly disappeared.

    very sad, nobwarnings as I had it as a thread to receive email notifications on. 

    The email  notifications are so wrong, it only sends a few, often missing replies, so doesn’t read correctly.

    evenvsomevrecieved emails in my inbox can suddenly vanish long after I have read them?

    Thank you DC for keeping this thread going, it serves as a good place to discuss certain things.

     And as I am here,,,,,, here’s a few hugs just in case anyone should like one, I won’t look if you are worried about taking one.

    () () () () ().

  • Very Glad Tidings.... and another use of capital letters:


    The thing is, that my arthritic EReader will only take screenshots when IT wants to, and not when I want to (!). I respect that, or else I would likely not be able to use it at all... *ahem!* changing the subject back, now...

    ...Yes, this was the Thread of which I speak. And it had an "Evil Twin". And so none responded to the Twin, yet this first included a celebration, which participants may recall, and it became light hearted, and then no more. Thank You again, Mr.Robert, for answering here. 

    ...I cannot as yet think of much else to say just now, and so I end this Post. Thanks Very Much again. (I do not Post hugs or kisses, because I am weeeeird, Please excuse me, yet I do send excessive gratitude...)

  • No.  Nobody notified me about deleting the thread.

    I did however take a screenshot of the original in anticipation of deletion and I am posting it here as a reminder.  With email removed.

  • Please excuse me a slight ebullition... AAACK!!

    I had typed a Reply to Oktanol, and during this, saw Mr.Mathematical-Robert "typing a reply"... and as I type in this Post, my own Reply does not show?!

    In case it did not go through at all, I restate what I can recall of it. There were actually TWO Threads, and only one was obviously "Illegal"; and the *other* one was the one which gained many Replies.

    And - finally, a pertinant Person has replied, and so I ask again, if you Please Sir Robert, I wonder if NAS notified you before deleting it...? That is all that I was wondering, and so I Thank You very much for an answer, even if it is naught but a Yes or a No...?

  • Yes.....

    I remember that thread.  And I was expecting it to be removed quickly,  so I took a screenshot of the original post. Most of the items being advertised are illegal so I agree that it should have been removed.

  • Um...Thank you for the reply, which to me shows up as 20 Minutes ago, after my checking Ten Minutes before now....

    Yes, there were actually 2 Threads, and both of them were selling "Drugs", and only one was replied to, and the other seemed to sell "Illegal" Drugs, yet both were started by the same person, which is why no-one replied to the Illegal one, and why I say that such things are not that easy to spot straightaway...

    If they were, then NAS would have deleted them straightaway....

  • Oh yeah, now I remember, the potassium cyanide one... Well, I guess that clashes so clearly with the rules everybody can read (no advertising) and general rules called laws (it's illegal to sell crystal meths, it's probably also illegal to sell opioids like that and the cyanide) that it doesn't require much more explanation. When people ask for participants in studies and so on then the NAS people usually say that this isn't allowed (or some user has already done it) but that's presumably mostly by genuine people with a genuinely good intention, whereas that one the other week, well, you know it. The thread had taken quite a funny shape but I guess the content of the initial post still justified deleting it. If there are posts like this popping up then you have to assume from the beginning that they will be deleted, no matter with turn the conversation takes.