Time Out

Hi folks,

I'm starting to feel that I'm here more than is good for myself or for anyone else.  I'm naturally tending to repeat myself (I do that a lot) and I'm getting a little obsessed with some threads -  and with that leader board, which seems to be telling me I'm here far too much!

I'm going to take a break for a while.  I wish you all well.  It's a great little community.  No place anywhere else like it.

See you a bit later on.

All the best,


  • I'm surprised I made it onto the leaderboard.  I'm not keen on it. Tom you've been helpful re some of my posts, I do hope you'll return in your own time. 
    I was going to comment on some of the threads, but I come on here to find them locked, due to someone being abusive in them. I was going to ask what's the difference between imagination and social imagination, as a kid I would engage in pretend play tho mainly perhaps things I could do myself, such as having a teddy bears picnic with my bears, or playing at various other games, or pretend to use a phone, or build things from Lego. As an adult I can read Lord Of The Rings and imagine the locations and characters without visuals, same with music Queen's Who Wants To Live Forever I don't need to see the film Highlander to get an image in my head. I think my problem is I wish I could paint or draw as I seem to get a photograph type image in my head tho the block is transferring images from my mind onto paper. I wish there was a way I could do a mind meld with my printer and it would print out the image that I'm visualising in my head. 
    I know when I moved in here I was given some curtains with elephants on them , at first I was a little sceptical, perhaps I was thinking more of kids curtains, tho the curtains are blue , and people have complimented me on my interior design, how everything seems to go together well. I can imagine my rooms painted differently, the main reason I havent done it for a while is I don't want to be stuck here forever. Tho the housing association did upgrade the kitchens and bathrooms a while ago 2-3 years, and I managed to live with the disruption glasses and spare crockery in boxes in the hallway, and my lounge seemed to be like a  bomb site. I can imagine say what my  my bathroom might look like if I painted it purple. .

    Is social imagination a little like being a driver or motorcyclist , in that I was taught to expect the unexpected from other  road users, just because someone isn't indicating to turn don't assume they're going straight on , is that like a similar thing in a social setting. I've heard it said that people with ASDs aren't empathetic, tho I would say that that isn't true, maybe sometimes we're perhaps not quite so good at putting feelings into words. IT seems that the spectrum is really diverse, and I'd say we're all unique one person's journey is not going to be the same as anothers. Sorry if I've hijacked the thread!!!     

  • Hey Mr T....that is just silly....you are hugely valued here it has just been a very tumultuous couple of days... your absence is greatly felt already.

    is the quote the straw that broke the camels back. I am sure it was not meantbthe way thst you took it. Miss you loads and look after yourself.... x

    What a terrible thing

  • Spotty Tortoise said:
    At around the point where Tom waded in it seemed like there was progress, then all this crap,

    Yes, I'm sorry folks.  I realise that me putting my big nose in stirred things up in the wrong way.  Please take care, all.  I'll come back when I feel ready.   A break is good, though.


  • Hi I saw you were trying to reply to environment thread, it has been shut down as abusive I'm afraid.

  • And you...hang in there....good to hear from you today, as always x

  • I do hope Tom will come back, it won't be the same without him, however you mustn't blame yourself.  He wouldn't have said anything if he didn't feel it needed saying I don't think. Let's hope he just needs a break. It is scary how quickly the bonds of trust can come apart because of one seemingly malicious apple. Have a peaceful evening.

  • I'm worried that for Tom it might have been the straw that broke the camels back.....I did draw his attention to the thread as well....

    i think Misfit's link not working is down to her profile settings as you can tick the box if you want to be mentioned or not.

    glad you agree about the leaderboard as well...with us being SO literal...having a table called "site leaders" might be construed the wrong way 

  • I followed the hideous thread around diagnosis and so nearly jumped in but I was so furious I thought it better not to as others were doing a much better job of making calm rational sense.  At around the point where Tom waded in it seemed like there was progress, then all this crap, I'm truly shocked at the nastiness.

    I hope we can all get over this and feel safe again, poor @Misfit (link still doesn't work for some names) I really hope she is alright...

  • It is a good protective umbrella.....and I'm glad you're looking out for us. Thank you for also thanking Tom for his contributions and hope that you monitor those that may be abused or be vulnerable due to being too over empathic and might get swamped

  • It is reassuring to know that there is a protective umbrella out there.  I am wary of saying much in case I get jumped on by the committer of the abuse, I presume she can still say what she likes where she likes?

  • I second that!  Keep the points system, just kill the leaderboard.

  • Can we lose the leaderboard as I am sure what purpose it is trying to serve?

  • Hi Former Member and all community users, 

    Thank you for your contribution to the community. We hope to have you back very soon!

    Please note that if there is anything that you would like to change about the community - such as the leaderboard - we are always here to listen to ways to update the community so that it the best community for its members. 

    If any members have any concerns or worries about anything related to the community then you can contact us on: community.manager@nas.org.uk

    Thank you to all those that have made the community a wonderful place to moderate. 

  • it keeps rejecting your comments as both threads have been shut down due to them being reported as abusive.

    Don't want to leave at all...but greatly unsettled yesterday after being perceived as a fraud...this is on the back of a pretty crap weekend...so was not needed and caused a wobble.....

  • I just tried to respond to Misfit on the other thread were she's also being persecuted, but it keeps rejecting it.  Please don't leave us too, either of you, we appear to have a bully in our midst.  Disappointed

  • Hi Spotty - glad to hear you are ok.

    Yes it is a distressing read.....the x is because after yesterdays thread and Tom taking a break I was contemplating moving this old elephant off the scene as well.  Then saw the comments online on the other thread and saw red!

    I have reported the comments as abuse and all has gone quiet...but worried about Misfit....we all have enough on our plate to be treated in such a way is not excusable at all.

  • What is going on??? That other thread of Misfit's is extremely distressing to read, it's turning me into a nervous wreck, lord knows how you are feeling Misfit.  Why have you become an x not elephant????  This is horrid.

  • No worries Misfit....no one needs that kind of crap!

    Upsetting for this Elephant to witness it.....


  • Yes Thanks for your concern. I appreciate it

  • I have just reported the comments made to you to the moderators as "abusive" - hope that is ok.