Daughter first week of college struggling and skipping lessons

we thought it was too good to be true. Our daughter started college this week and after thinking she’d been going to lessons we received a attendance report today and she’s been skipping lessons again and starting to struggle the self harm again and we really don’t know what to do she’s not made for classroom setting and we don’t know where to go from here, we’re really struggling and she’s really struggling. What are the options? What do we do? It’s been a tough year anyway but now we’ve hit another wall and it’s only been a week. There’s too much pressure on kids these days and we don’t know what to do any help would be appreciated thank you. 

  • Can she try some sort of distance learning? I didn't learn well in a classroom environment, but I did my AAT (association of accounting technicians qualification, equal to 2 A levels) through my local college by distance learning - I had a one to one with a tutor every 6 weeks, could contact her for help if I got stuck, and I only had to go into a room with other students for the exams.

  • Can she try some sort of distance learning? I didn't learn well in a classroom environment, but I did my AAT (association of accounting technicians qualification, equal to 2 A levels) through my local college by distance learning - I had a one to one with a tutor every 6 weeks, could contact her for help if I got stuck, and I only had to go into a room with other students for the exams.

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