The title really. I often find myself after conversations, even if nothings gone wrong in the conversation, going to the mirror and checking my facial expressions to see if my face looked 'normal' during said convo. Does anyone else do this?
The title really. I often find myself after conversations, even if nothings gone wrong in the conversation, going to the mirror and checking my facial expressions to see if my face looked 'normal' during said convo. Does anyone else do this?
I dont really have a good idea of what my expression look like when i'm in a convo. I might be like a statue most of the time, (THATS WHEN YOU CAN THE BAD REP) or i might contort alot if excited and animated gesticalating about something of interest or im passionate about (RARELY), or i might doing some basic bare minimum maintenance movements, likes nods, eyebrow raises, small movements, maybe a smirk, but its just muscle twitches. I look in the mirror all the time and try out expressions but its so...meh. I wish I had Jim Carreys control. He's just so charismatic. He mastered the art of bodily and facial expression.
I dont really have a good idea of what my expression look like when i'm in a convo. I might be like a statue most of the time, (THATS WHEN YOU CAN THE BAD REP) or i might contort alot if excited and animated gesticalating about something of interest or im passionate about (RARELY), or i might doing some basic bare minimum maintenance movements, likes nods, eyebrow raises, small movements, maybe a smirk, but its just muscle twitches. I look in the mirror all the time and try out expressions but its so...meh. I wish I had Jim Carreys control. He's just so charismatic. He mastered the art of bodily and facial expression.