Does anybody else check their face expressions in the mirror after conversations?

The title really. I often find myself after conversations, even if nothings gone wrong in the conversation, going to the mirror and checking my facial expressions to see if my face looked 'normal' during said convo. Does anyone else do this? 

  • I’d never really properly thought about this, but now you’ve asked this I realise that I do often check my facial expression in the mirror before, rather than after, meetings or other social gatherings that are causing me nerves. It’s almost like I need to get my face right to be able to contribute (which I then don’t always manage to do very well), but that’s what I do

  • I’d never really properly thought about this, but now you’ve asked this I realise that I do often check my facial expression in the mirror before, rather than after, meetings or other social gatherings that are causing me nerves. It’s almost like I need to get my face right to be able to contribute (which I then don’t always manage to do very well), but that’s what I do

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