
Hi, I'm new here.

I'm really struggling to concentrate when I need to be concentrating most.

It's always worse when I'm anxious but it happens any way. I've looked at pages online but nothings been helping.

Anyone relate or have any ideas?

  • Does it depend on what you have to concentrate on? I find if it's something I don't understand, is poorly presented or am not interested in my eyes glaze over and my attention wanders. I don't believe myself to be alone in this, of course it makes concentrating harder. Are there things you find it easy to concentrate on and what makes them easy?

  • Does it depend on what you have to concentrate on? I find if it's something I don't understand, is poorly presented or am not interested in my eyes glaze over and my attention wanders. I don't believe myself to be alone in this, of course it makes concentrating harder. Are there things you find it easy to concentrate on and what makes them easy?

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