Struggling after being told I am not Autistic

Hi, I’m going to try and keep this short.

I recently had an assessment with Psychiatry UK where I was basically told I don’t struggle enough to have a diagnosis even though I do have autistic traits.

I have felt different my whole life and just cannot accept this as an answer. I am a woman in my early 20’s and I am aware of the fact that often women go undiagnosed because of outdated concepts as well as masking.

Has anyone else been in my situation before? And if so, how did you eventually get your diagnosis?

Thank you in advance, I’m feeling lost.

  • i think the issue perhaps is that a diagnosis is by doctors and they are doing diagnosis to then seek how to help you. if they realise you dont need help and your not struggling they move onto the next person, likely as they are busy and they only want to see people that seem to actually need help.

    you can if you wish take it as your autistic, but yet dont require help. the diagnosis bit is mainly to get help. a treatment, a triage for a issue. if no help is needed they dont proceed. they said you have autistic traits but dont need help, so they are saying your autistic but a diagnosis is mainly for proceeding with help and you dont need that help so they are saying diagnosis isnt necessary but the fact they said you have the traits they are pretty much saying you are. so if you want you can take it in your mind as a admission and diagnosis, but not on system no help required so they didnt put you through their system.

  • Yeah I do think that must be the case. The only thing is, the things that I do struggle with didn’t really come up although mentioned in the pre assessment questionnaires. I’m going to follow my gp’s advice to get counselling for what I do struggle with as this may be all I need to help me cope better.

  • Yeah I do think that must be the case. The only thing is, the things that I do struggle with didn’t really come up although mentioned in the pre assessment questionnaires. I’m going to follow my gp’s advice to get counselling for what I do struggle with as this may be all I need to help me cope better.

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