Diagnosed with personality disorder before autism.

I am a women in my 50's.  A number of years ago I was diagnosed with a personality disorder.  After years of depression and meltdowns I finally got an assessment for autism.  I have had  private and nhs assessments which both conclude I am autistic.  Following an appointment today with mental health services it appears that the only route they want to go down is regarding my personality disorder which I feel was a misdiagnosis.  How do I get them to accept that this was a misdiagnosis and start to help me with my autistic difficulties>

  • I have diagnosed of depression, anxiety and Tourette. It’s interesting how easy it was for those psychiatrists in the past to give me these diagnosis and prescribe me awful meds after very short and honestly cursory interview. It’s so easy to get those diagnosis like this and so hard to get a diagnosis of autism. What’s the problem I don’t get it. Later it was proven that Tourette was wrong. Only recently my psychotherapist and psychiatrist said it’s not depression but Asperger (which I already suspected). But it’s not official diagnosis and honestly I’m not ready to pay high amount of money for just one paper. I’ve been struggling with mental health my whole life. Only recently I found peace, because I finally know why I’m different and got a “manual” to understand myself better and manage my life to be happier. And it’s working.

  • Dam, good on you Alienatedhuman!

    So good to hear someone taking the "bull by the horns" & seeking out their own peace of mind. It's easy to fall into a pit of despair & wait for others to sort you out. But to stand tall & deal with it yourself, & to set your own path takes great strength of mind & character. You must be feeling quite happy/content in your journey now Slight smile & through your own doing Sunglasses 

  • Yes, I am. But still fragile. When I see those specialists being against self diagnosis, because for them self diagnosis = misdiagnosis, I think: ok, but why so many of them misdiagnose people with mental health issues? I guess it’s there: ego and also money! If we search the information by ourselves and work on ourselves without them, they are loosing money. Maybe not all of them think this way, but I feel like quite many. My experience with them was usually in a scale from  negative to appalling. Not listening to me, talking at me, gaslighting etc. The very recent one who told me it’s Asperger, she also gaslit me quite much and behaved like I’m exaggerating. That being bullied at school was not that bad and! This is really unbelievable! She said, why it’s a problem for me that I have no friends. Well… I really didn’t know what to say. My only friend I have for 20 years is living far away in other country and I have no friend here. And according to the doctor it’s not s problem. Especially when I told her it’s a problem. Long story… I’m still looking for some therapist, I think best neurodivergent. Maybe ND therapist would understand me better.

  • Yes, I am. But still fragile. When I see those specialists being against self diagnosis, because for them self diagnosis = misdiagnosis, I think: ok, but why so many of them misdiagnose people with mental health issues? I guess it’s there: ego and also money! If we search the information by ourselves and work on ourselves without them, they are loosing money. Maybe not all of them think this way, but I feel like quite many. My experience with them was usually in a scale from  negative to appalling. Not listening to me, talking at me, gaslighting etc. The very recent one who told me it’s Asperger, she also gaslit me quite much and behaved like I’m exaggerating. That being bullied at school was not that bad and! This is really unbelievable! She said, why it’s a problem for me that I have no friends. Well… I really didn’t know what to say. My only friend I have for 20 years is living far away in other country and I have no friend here. And according to the doctor it’s not s problem. Especially when I told her it’s a problem. Long story… I’m still looking for some therapist, I think best neurodivergent. Maybe ND therapist would understand me better.

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