Psychiatry UK

Has anybody recently had an assessment with psychiatry uk and can advise what tools they use to diagnose? How was the assessment, what sort of things did they ask/do?


  • Before my appointment mid-late last year, Psychiatry-UK sent self-report and informant report pre-assessment questionnaires. I received mine in PDF form, but converted my self report into MS Word, so that I could fit in more than the boxes would otherwise have allowed. You could just ask them for an alternative format, but I enjoyed converting it myself :)

    The self-report questionnaire is extensive and has a final section for writing about anything else that you feel it might be helpful for them to know. You're also invited to submit such things as school reports and any previous psychiatric/psychological reports. You can submit other documents too, if you think they'll help.

    I took time to make sure I was fully happy with what I'd prepared before submitting it.

    It's unclear whether you're using them via the NHS right to choose or directly / privately. Either way, their standard cost includes a certain amount of time. If extra is needed, then they can and will do that, at additional cost.

    In my case, my completed forms had already given them a lot of what they needed, and I was able to answer follow up questions easily enough.

    I was diagnosed during the appointment and a follow-up letter / report came soon afterwards.

    I wish you all the best with your assessment.

  • received mine in PDF form, but converted my self report into MS Word, so that I could fit in more than the boxes would otherwise have allowed. You could just ask them for an alternative format,

    I have completed the forms, I didn’t think about converting them so just gave as much information as it would allow, which wasn’t a lot!

    I have done it through NHS right to choose. I just want to know what to expect from the assessment and obviously I haven’t given a lot of information on the forms now I am panicking

  • received mine in PDF form, but converted my self report into MS Word, so that I could fit in more than the boxes would otherwise have allowed. You could just ask them for an alternative format,

    I have completed the forms, I didn’t think about converting them so just gave as much information as it would allow, which wasn’t a lot!

    I have done it through NHS right to choose. I just want to know what to expect from the assessment and obviously I haven’t given a lot of information on the forms now I am panicking

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