Self-Diagnosis Of Autism In Females
We are conducting a study on women's understanding of autism and their path towards self-diagnosis. We are looking for participants who do not have a medical diagnosis of autism but have encountered information on the subject and have questioned whether they could be autistic. Our aim is to better understand what the process of identifying with Autism is for an under-recognised population and the thoughts and feeling which accompany the journey towards self-diagnosis.
If you sign up, you will be asked to take part in an online interview over Microsoft Teams. The interview will begin by focusing on your general understanding of Autism (e.g., "What comes to mind when you think of the word ‘Autism’?"), then move onto your reflections on self-identifying with Autism, and finally consider your perceptions on self-diagnosis itself. We will analyse the interview transcripts using thematic analysis in order to understand how women's understanding of Autism and questioning whether they are Autistic feature into their developing sense of self.
The compensation for taking part is £15.
For more information and to sign up, please follow this link: