
Does anybody have any positive thoughts on medication, my daughter suffers from constant low mood and anxiety and I have tried so many things but I’m considering going to the doctor for more help!!!

  • Is you daughter autistic?

    What age approx? Recommendations for a 5 year old are quite different from a 16 year old for example.

    When did the low moods start? Does anything help - routines, special interests etc?

    Sorry for the questions but there isn't much info to work with here.

    Medication is typically the last resort unless there is a medical condition requiring it so it is worth knowing what else has been tried before now.

  • Is you daughter autistic?

    What age approx? Recommendations for a 5 year old are quite different from a 16 year old for example.

    When did the low moods start? Does anything help - routines, special interests etc?

    Sorry for the questions but there isn't much info to work with here.

    Medication is typically the last resort unless there is a medical condition requiring it so it is worth knowing what else has been tried before now.

  • apologies I think the quicker I can get something on the quicker I will get the answer I’m looking for!!

    she’s just turned 16

    the low moods have been for the last few years we have tried councillors camhs etc 

    she doesn’t want to be here anymore 

    I find if she has a good routine she’s not as bad but teenagers won’t listen and the pressure of GCSEs are getting on top of her