21 year old struggling with interactions with work colleagues

Hi all, 

I’m 21 and recently started a job in retail as i am a student and I’ve completely used up my loan due to everything going up so much in price 

For me, in this new job it’s not so much the customers, or even the work that is the hard part, but instead struggling to get on with my colleagues however a couple times i have been confused by simple instructions which has led to unusual looks from the people giving me them

Currently im spending 8 hours being absolutely mentally exhausted by trying to fit in with the other girls, constantly nitpicking how im stood, what i need to say to seem funny, thinking they all think im a freak because im bad at joining in with the small talk / gossip aspect 

im coming home after work and just breaking down every day because i just can’t access that social connection every one else seems to have, i was hoping for any tips or support

  • i also wanted to add this has been a pattern for me where i get a new job, put myself through a few weeks of distress trying to communicate with the others, and then get so upset that i can’t break through that barrier - that i end up calling off sick most days and end up leaving. So now i have had a few jobs where i’ve been there for only a month and it does feel really shameful and as if it hopeless. 

  • ive been exactly the same, pushing through jobs where im so anxious and cannot communicate at all, that i get into a pattern of calling in sick and realising i cant go back and end up quitting. ive just started a new job 3 days ago and already feeling overwhelmed and unsure what to do

  • ive been exactly the same, pushing through jobs where im so anxious and cannot communicate at all, that i get into a pattern of calling in sick and realising i cant go back and end up quitting. ive just started a new job 3 days ago and already feeling overwhelmed and unsure what to do

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