
Hi, My son is 9 years old, he has been given a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum disorder, sensory processing disorder and is currently being assessed for ADHD (from what i have been told he is highly likely to get a diagnosis).

After speaking to his physciatrist today she has suggested putting him on Risperidone as this will help keep him a little calmer and slow his thoughts down so he can manage with things easier.

Has anyone ever had any experience with this medication? if so what are your thoughts.



  • Hi recombinantsocks,

    Not tried those particular ones no; they look like they will be a bit of a better fit than the ones we have tried.

    Ordered them and will see how they go :D

    Thanks, just want to make sure we try every possible way to try and make his life easier and more comfortable it must be hard being so much more sensitive to sound, touch ... well everything really!

    THanks again

  • Has he tried an in-ear design of noise cancelling earphone? e.g.


    These are much less weight/pressure on the head/ears than the over-ear types. I find them very comfortable to use.

    I have a pair of these to use at work and they reduce noise and nearby conversation to the point where I am less distracted. I use them with music from my phone and it really makes a difference to my concentration and distraction.

    There is also a version with a mic for using to take calls.

  • Hi, Thank you all so much for your replies.

    I hate the thought of medicating my son but he gets so stressed with all the noises the world makes,  - he wont wear headphones as the feel of them on him is just as bad. we have tried different diets with no improvement he is getting more "Hulk SMash" as he gets older.

    We are looking into the possibility of IRLENS as another resort, i just wanted to get all the information i can on everything before we decide what is the best course of action next.

  • Hi, my son is on risperidone(not my choice, but in adult services therefore I have to go with Dr advice) I would avoid if poss, I don't,t think it helps much, certainly doesn't prevent melt downs.If your son has sleep problems it may help with that as it did for my son. Meds is a very tricky area of course and what works for one may not another. I would go with your gut feeling on this one. I would also consider if your son is verbally capable of telling you how meds may make him feel.

    Hope this of some help. 

  • I would exhaust all alternatives to drugs first. Diets are cited as working in some cases



    But also see


    My understanding is that some diets have been found not to work (e.g. GFCF) but there are people who swear by low salicylate diets and other interventions.

    Personally speaking I have found that I definitely have intolerance to some foods courtesy of Pollen Fruit Syndrome and I suspect that there is a connection between the operation of my GI system and my autism. The PFS causes my guts to go on strike and I know that if this happens then I get ratty and short tempered for a week or two after.

    I would certainly recommend going to


    and trying their "elimination diet" which, they claim, contains none of the chemical compounds that are suspected of aggravating autism.

  •  Hi, my son's been taking this for about 9 months now.  He's in his 20s.  He understands its to help him not to get very distressed + to help him concentrate better.  He is carefully monitored on it - 0.5mg once a day.  I think it has helped in the areas mentioned above.  He thinks its helped him.  The only downside for him so far is that he's put on weight, despite trying not to.  Maybe it slows the body's metabolism down?  I've read there's a lower dose for children but don't feel I can comment on that. We only resorted to the risperidone because there was no other route.  By that I mean his support staff were + are vg, his physical environment is suitable for him etc.  It was things none of us cd do things about, "the outside world" intervening, which meant we went down this route.

  • Thought Suppressants = Chemical Labotomy

    Please don't...

  • no probs, the community search ( look up left) is different to the site search ( top right)

    It took me a while to see the difference.


  • Hi thanks for that I did search i promise I just got directed to the drugs page with the scientific information on. Thanks for that.