Feeling so stressed, how do you help yourself?

  • There is so much advice online for dealing with anxiety and panic - it’s just a matter of trying various strategies and seeing what works for you. Using breathing techniques might be a cliche but they really can help. Exercise can help, getting outside is good. Meditation is definitely useful if you can find a method that suits you. Buddhist teachings have helped me a lot, as has Qigong exercises.

    Also - your situation is stressful from what you’ve said here - and nothing is going to make it not stressful. Sometimes being able to find acceptance within yourself that this situation is inherently stressful and not fighting the fact of that - can help. Surrender to it - I’m going to find aspects of my situation stressful and I need to find deep acceptance of that rather than resisting what is just a fact that I can’t completely control. 
    You’re 100% trying to help your son not to have a meltdown - but maybe you need to find a measure of acceptance that it’s going to happen sometimes - no matter what you do. 

    And also - can you have someone else take care of your son for short periods so you can have a proper rest?

  • There is so much advice online for dealing with anxiety and panic - it’s just a matter of trying various strategies and seeing what works for you. Using breathing techniques might be a cliche but they really can help. Exercise can help, getting outside is good. Meditation is definitely useful if you can find a method that suits you. Buddhist teachings have helped me a lot, as has Qigong exercises.

    Also - your situation is stressful from what you’ve said here - and nothing is going to make it not stressful. Sometimes being able to find acceptance within yourself that this situation is inherently stressful and not fighting the fact of that - can help. Surrender to it - I’m going to find aspects of my situation stressful and I need to find deep acceptance of that rather than resisting what is just a fact that I can’t completely control. 
    You’re 100% trying to help your son not to have a meltdown - but maybe you need to find a measure of acceptance that it’s going to happen sometimes - no matter what you do. 

    And also - can you have someone else take care of your son for short periods so you can have a proper rest?

  • I literally run 10k every morning to ensure I get out. I haven't seen a Dr at all as I worry about judgement, it's hard to explain all the time. 

    I definitely will look at breathing and maybe acceptance. 

    I think you hit a nerve here, I can't accept there's not more I can do to help. 

    I feel as him mum. It's my job. And I'm not doing good enough no matter what I do. 

    My mum helps but it's quite tiring and I don't want to put pressure on. But even then. I struggle to rest, of that makes sense. 

    Thank you for replying.  

    I'm so desperate now x