Burnout school refusal

I'd be very grateful for any advice. My 14 yr old daughter has had a burnout and has not attended school since December.  She was self harming and had ideation of sucide in the months leading up to December.  We had a meeting with school and welfare officer this week about her return to school. Before the meeting  I had discussed with her how best to support her and we both agreed best way forward is if she could have home tutoring  for core subjects and the 2 option subjects she would attend school .she was happy with that idea . Unfortunately  the welfare officer  is  pushing for full return to school eventually. That will not work for my daughter as the school environment  is the very place that causes most harm to her mental health and wellbeing.  Everything she said was down to what the panel eould say and how unlikely they would do that . I'm stuck and I can't think of any other option but to deregister  her but I'm not able to home school .this would be her gcse yrs.