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The ReSpect Lab Group at King’s College London are studying the different strategies adolescents may use to get along in social situations.

 The ReSpect Lab Group at King’s College London are studying the different strategies adolescents may use to get along in social situations.

We are inviting secondary school pupils (aged 12-18 years) who are currently living in the UK, and able to complete a survey which involves reading and typing responses in English, to take part in our study. They can take part whether or not they have been diagnosed or self-identify as autistic.

If you agree to take part you will receive a link to complete an online survey (about 30 minutes). For participants under the age of 16, parents will also complete a parental consent and a brief survey. After completing the survey, participants can enter a raffle to win a £25 e-gift voucher as a thank you for their time.

Please follow this link to take part or know more about the study. If you have any questions about this study, please contact Queenie Siu (