18 year-old son refusing meds


My son turned 18 a couple of days ago and was recently diagnosed with ASD after spending years in and out of CAMHS. A child psychiatrist prescribed him Prozac a few months ago as his major challenge is anxiety disorder. For the first time he seemed happy and coping much better with life. However, he is now refusing to take his medication, his mood has dipped terribly,  and now he is 18 we have no input into his medical care.

Has anyone else had this problem? Any advice would be hugely appreciated!

  • Sometimes antidepressants don't work because the numbness is actually worse internally for the person than feeling low, It's a big thing having to pick between feeling that deep saddness vs feeling inhumanly dead inside. It's worth asking him to consider going back to the DR and asking for different kinds of anti-depressant until he finds one that he's comfortable with and maybe doesn't have significant side effects. You are not likely to suceed in reducing his anxiety if he's not given the choice and control over his own health.

  • Thank you Little Owl. This is really insightful, and I appreciate you taking the time to respond. 

  • I have anxiety too and have previously been on meds. They did have unpleasant side effects and I decided to come off them for this reason. I am now a lot worse and debating going back on them because the side effects are not as bad as the anxiety. It has, however, taken me over a year of feeling like the world and everyone in it is conspiring against me, I've become very paranoid recently.

    It's worth considering the social pressures of meds - there is so much negativity in the media and society in general about meds for mental health. There are lots of horror stories about long term side effects that could be concerning him. There is a lot of pressure to come off meds from other people who don't really know anything about them. 

    As Alienatedhuman says, it might be a side effect that he doesn't want to talk about with you for example they can cause weight gain (maybe this is what he thinks is affecting his boxing?) and sexual problems which can continue to affect someone even after they stop taking the meds. 

    Other side effects that you might not have noticed are numbing of all emotions (so the joy is reduced too which was particularly upsetting for me because I get so much joy from my interests) and less ability to recognise my own emotions (which I struggle with as an autistic person anyway).

    All you can do is keep talking but don't pressure him because that would be likely to backfire. 

  • Thanks Alienatedhuman. I'll try to explore this with him.

  • Hi Tris, Healthwise he doesn't have any side effects. He is into boxing and feels that it affects his performance, making him less aggressive. However, at the same time he has started smoking and won't accept this is more likely to affect his performance.

  • Hi, I’m fact I’ve never got Prozac prescribed, but I had some meds for depression few times and what came to my mind is maybe your son has some side effects that he doesn’t want to speak about and that could be the reason. For me meds always have some side effects sometimes mild, sometimes more severe. I honestly don’t like to take anything, but I myself see, when my mood goes down, I have to go back on meds. 

  • Does he say why he's stopped? Like is it side effects or just not wanting to take pills for crazy people or something? If he has a reason that makes sense (at least to him) then hopefully you can try to help him see that the positives outweigh his concerns. 

    As someone who's only ever stopped taking meds because of real bad side effects and who would be happy taking whatever if it made my anxiety better, I don't have a ton of insight into what your son might be feeling. 

  • Thanks Yellow tree 118. It's good to hear from someone who's been through it from my son's perspective. 

  • I used to be like that at that age, refusing meds and stuff. For me it was just an immaturity thing. But I soon grew out of it. I take my meds now. They help a bit. Ultimately it’s up to your son but hopefully he will get better with his anxiety. Anxiety is a pain at times.