Help I don't know where to go next

Hi everyone 

Hope you're all okay 

My son is 6 he as autism and possible adhd 

We have a senco support worker/early help/ehcp/possible restbite but we feel he is not ready to go out with carers just yet to benefit from respite he has been accepted but due to the big changes in him we feel the time isn't right for him 

2 referrals to cahms have been submitted but declined (one due to changes in the home possibly causing the changes in him which have now been resolved and his behaviour continued to go down hill 2nd referral declined due to them thinking the second support worker could do some therapies with him but she as stated that she cannot work with him while he is in this state)

He doesn't sit still at all he is none stop his heart rate is ranging between 110bpm to 169bmp I had to put my fitbit on him due to how fast we could feel his heart pumping he is always having cold sweats 

He has around 2 hours sleep each night he hasn't been to school for 3 weeks due to how distressing it is for him to even get dressed school have agreed on a partial time table to wean him back in but the punches and beatings from him are getting so much painful for me he's nearly bigger than me so its getting harder to prevent him from his flight or fight reactions which is another reason its been easier to keep him off than to take the beatings he gives me or his dad and trying to stop him running off 

The pediatrician won't accept any new referrals and won't refer him to a sleep clinic as that's the only way we can even get him seen by a sleep clinic is if the pediatrician refers him 

We have no family to help us 

Our eldest sleeps out most nights due to her brothers screaming and crying and smashing up the house through the night keeping her up she as missed school due to these nights 

We need to get our son help 

His old gp wanted him on medication but can only be done via sleep clinic pediatrician or cahms but none of them are helping us to help our boy 

His new gp is awful and when I mentioned his heart rate and also his new obsession with his eyes and how he is trying to take his tearducts out because he thinks they don't belong in his eye the gp said oh well thats weird what do you want me to do about this I cannot offer anything and to just sit tight and wait for cahms I tried to get another appointment but the gp cancelled it stating there is nothing they can do for our son and to contact 0 to 19 services from now on

When we contact them they say he needs a more intense service like cahms 

We are honestly so lost right now I'm breaking that we can't get the right help or treatment 

Senco support worker as tried 

But she cannot start any home therapy while he is so intense 

Can anyone advise me on what to do or where to go next I'm breaking for my boy even though he doesn't understand its so heartbreaking to see his mind and body not be able to shut off for 5 mins 

  • This sounds so hard! \There are several ADHD foundations, it does sound like he should be diagnosed for this, but perhaps start by getting in touch with one near you, and even get secondary advise from others if you feel to need to.

    I'm not a doctor, but I do keep up on medical reports, and you could try foods he's not allergic or intolerant to, which can slowly increase GABA (loads of reports say Autistics and ADHD'rs have less than Non-Autistics. I do recommend this for everyone as it's been life changing for me. I just take a mushroom supplement which is immune building, as I'm allergic to Brassicas (broccoli, spinach, Brussels and so on) and I'm also allergic to gluten/grains and beans (including the peanut, which is a legume).

    While there is probably much more you will need a professional to help with, these things might work for the moment. x

  • This sounds so hard! \There are several ADHD foundations, it does sound like he should be diagnosed for this, but perhaps start by getting in touch with one near you, and even get secondary advise from others if you feel to need to.

    I'm not a doctor, but I do keep up on medical reports, and you could try foods he's not allergic or intolerant to, which can slowly increase GABA (loads of reports say Autistics and ADHD'rs have less than Non-Autistics. I do recommend this for everyone as it's been life changing for me. I just take a mushroom supplement which is immune building, as I'm allergic to Brassicas (broccoli, spinach, Brussels and so on) and I'm also allergic to gluten/grains and beans (including the peanut, which is a legume).

    While there is probably much more you will need a professional to help with, these things might work for the moment. x

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