What activities to do with a 16yr old boy (high functioning)

Hi All, Our boy was diagnosed with Autism back in December 23'. We've had 2 years out of school and have an EHCP in place, with tutors attending 3 times a week, now that we're classed as EOTAS.CAMHS support once a fortnight. 

Unfortunately during secondary school our boy had to experience some awful bullying, which has led to trauma, selective mutism, anxiety and depression. 

He is now in a much better place but, will not go out when his peers are off school (evenings, weekends and school holidays). His peers are the main trigger point for his anxiety and sadly it has led to him not seeing anyone else his age. He does talk with some people online but, he prefers it to be people he doesn't know that well. 

That gives a bit of an idea of our boy. We're now at a point where we need to push him to do more but at a very gradual pace. What do you do with late teens to build their confidence in terms of activities? And I'd love to know of how to build some friendships with similar teens. We really don't want him to fear his peers anymore but, even one friends / someone he can trust would help. 

  • I was a Scout Leader in a troop that had a high proportion of neurodivergent kids. I used to joke that we had a few neurotypical kids, but they were not a problem ...

  • Hi 

    19yr old son is struggling with the same thing he is also high functioning and was bullied he is quite isolated and has no peers of his own age that he socializes with although he does talk to a few online, he wants to be able to go out and meet people, have friends, work be more independent but he struggles with travelling alone, meeting new people, there is little to no support in my area for young adults who are seen not to have a need because they are classed as high-functioning and I am struggling with ideas on how to help him

  • Does he have any particular interests? That is always a good starting point.  Some kids take to structured activities - martial arts have been mentioned, but there are sports, conservation volunteers, music, and drama ...  Many neurodivergent kids are involved in uniformed youth organisations, such as Cadets, Scouts, Boys'/Girls' Brigade, Volunteer Police Cadets and Fire Service Cadets. Then there are youth groups connected with places of worship, if applicable.

  • although yeah it will be very anxiety provoking to go to such places. for me i always felt anxious going there, as its a thing you do with others and the others are likely strong and popular types. but they are all cool anyway and accept you in that place. so at first it will feel anxious and awkward going to such a place. 

  • martial arts... so long as its a good effective one and not some rubbish thats too traditional like karate in that its full of fat and old people that claim you dont need to be fit to fight or something.

    do boxing or kickboxing or something. you cant fail with those at finding a good place. any other art you need to know what your looking for to find a good place. so boxing and kickboxing can be a good entry start.

  • Hi there

    My son is age 9 and is also autistic. I really can’t give advice from experience but maybe think about friends coming around to the house to start with. They could probably game, have a bbq or something like that. I think that way he would be more comfortable and you would be happy that he’s safe.