Vocal stimming

Does anyone else’s child do this? My daughter whistles, it’s becoming something she does more and more often. I get why she does it and she stims in other ways too (mainly clicking her fingers and pulling her hair). The whistling just seems to drive everyone nuts, I don’t know if I should gently point out that a) she’s doing it and b) other people don’t like it or if I should leave her to it. 

  • Much to the consternation of others in my workplace, I often find myself whistling random tunes without realising I am doing it until someone asks me to stop. 

    Tunes can be anything from 'Postman Pat' to opera and all things between, all whistled in my own inimitable way (and I am way, way past the age of the average Postman Pat viewer! (I am 64).  I find I work a lot better and am a lot more cheerful when I can entertain myself in this manner.

    And yes, it does worry and upset me to have to stop, although I do understand that at times it must be a bit disruptive!

  • Much to the consternation of others in my workplace, I often find myself whistling random tunes without realising I am doing it until someone asks me to stop. 

    Tunes can be anything from 'Postman Pat' to opera and all things between, all whistled in my own inimitable way (and I am way, way past the age of the average Postman Pat viewer! (I am 64).  I find I work a lot better and am a lot more cheerful when I can entertain myself in this manner.

    And yes, it does worry and upset me to have to stop, although I do understand that at times it must be a bit disruptive!

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