The Art of Different Wiring

One of my paintings, titled 'In Between', I wonder what you guys will make of it, be gentle with me, I do have a Masters degree for validation but still not much self confidence.  I think of my work in terms of 'mindscapes' and always have.  Have a feeling this is going to load really small, if at all...

Hope it shows up big enough to see it.

  • Wow!  Truly! Astonished

    That's great, Spotty.  What's your medium?

    It comes up about the size of a birthday card, which is fine. How big is it?

  • With my art critic voice finely tuned I would say: "friggin' amazing" it really draws you in....all of the individual elements each beautifully crafted and if  you let the piece can see that they connect together.,,,you see your amazing attention to detail and I love the tonal can interpret it as ordered or chaotic.....or a beautifully blended version of both...I like!