The Art of Different Wiring

One of my paintings, titled 'In Between', I wonder what you guys will make of it, be gentle with me, I do have a Masters degree for validation but still not much self confidence.  I think of my work in terms of 'mindscapes' and always have.  Have a feeling this is going to load really small, if at all...

Hope it shows up big enough to see it.

  • Somebody wrote the most lovely comment about this painting, saying that it reminded them of the video game 'Machinarium' which I think is absolutely beautiful, or mathematical equations of some kind. For some reason the comment has vanished, I presume they deleted it for some reason. Anyway I just wanted to say a massive thank you to whoever it was and hope they see this, what you saw in my work is exactly my intention so I'm very happy!

  • Hope all well with you Spotty....see, your work is really very good! X 

Reply Children
  • Morning Spotty. I have just been browsing round the threads and I found this one which you may find interesting 

    Anyone on here into Art?


    what did you think about the autism trust? 

    I often go to Open Studios in the local area but I get either hard copy or links to the brochures. I am on the edge of 3 different ones which covers a large area! But I do spend time looking up the websites of those whose work look interesting. Then disappointed if they don't have their work available to see online either on their own website or on "images". So I hope you are able to take advantage of the website idea but imagine it could feel daunting and too much in the spotlight? 

  • Thank you Elephant, I've been wondering where you are!  I'm still wading through treacle and I imagine you are too.  Hope you are waving not drowning. x