
Hello my son has been wakening every night now for the last lot of weeks.  He wakes screaming and very annoyed. He ranges from having to get up at say 4.30 and then back an hour or so later to just being able to peacify him in his bed by lying in with him.  He got his diagnosis in September but I dont really know if this is related to Autism.

Please advise a tired mum.



  • This work for my son.

    The Weighted Blanket improves your sleep quality by stimulating every relevant pressure point on your body and help it relax in full comfort.

    What is a Weighted Blanket? And How Do They Work?

    The Weighted blanket offers proprioceptive or deep touch pressure (DTP), also called Deep Pressure Therapy (DPT), to the body. 

    Does a Gravity blanket help you sleep and lower anxiety? Yes, it DOES! 

    In a  2008 study published in Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, data obtained on effectiveness reveal 33% demonstrated lowering in EDA when using the Weighted blanket 63% reported lower anxiety after use, and 78% preferred the weighted blanket as a calming modality. 

    The use of a Gravity Blanket has been expanded to include people with mental health diagnoses like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), ADHD, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Study participants reported feeling safe, calm and grounded following weighted blanket use. 

    Research indicates the potential positive effects of a Weighted blanket use for reducing anxiety, lowering physiological indicators of stress (blood pressure, pulse rate), positive calming effects, and impacts on sleep time and behavior. 

    Weighted Blanket

  • This work for my son.

    The Weighted Blanket improves your sleep quality by stimulating every relevant pressure point on your body and help it relax in full comfort.

    What is a Weighted Blanket? And How Do They Work?

    The Weighted blanket offers proprioceptive or deep touch pressure (DTP), also called Deep Pressure Therapy (DPT), to the body. 

    Does a Gravity blanket help you sleep and lower anxiety? Yes, it DOES! 

    In a  2008 study published in Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, data obtained on effectiveness reveal 33% demonstrated lowering in EDA when using the Weighted blanket 63% reported lower anxiety after use, and 78% preferred the weighted blanket as a calming modality. 

    The use of a Gravity Blanket has been expanded to include people with mental health diagnoses like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), ADHD, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Study participants reported feeling safe, calm and grounded following weighted blanket use. 

    Research indicates the potential positive effects of a Weighted blanket use for reducing anxiety, lowering physiological indicators of stress (blood pressure, pulse rate), positive calming effects, and impacts on sleep time and behavior. 

    Weighted Blanket

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