Had the most God awful day today

Can't quite get my head around the advice I was given today.

My son has Autism, wants to work, but no one will employ him because of his ASD and SEVERE DYSLEXIA. Can't work without significant support, which we are endeavoring to provide him ourselves because ATW have no clue about Autism and say they can't help him. 

Yet Citizens advice advised that he should give up self-employed supported work; with a note from his GP to say he's not able to work unsupported, because DWP have messed up our notification of 'change of circumstance'!!!!!!!!!

Their is absolutely no way I'm asking my son to give up his 'Reason for living and only opportunity to contribute to society', just to appease the DWP!

What do these people want???????

Branded scroungers and lazy if you claim 'unfit for work' and advised to give up work if you have the desire, but no independent help or support; beyond your own family.

I've also been advise to attend court by CAB. When i tried to explain to CAB that as a carer of two on the spectrum, I have enough to contend with without having to go to court, he said he had no clue about ASD, but I should attend anyway!!!!! Really???????

How is this equality for those with disabilities??????

So B----y angry!!!!!

Sorry for the rant, but i'm at the end of my tether.......Teenager sobbing inconsolably and disillusioned with a world filled with ignorance. The other in tears over an accident he's had. A disaster of a day

Is this really the message we want our youth to embrace?

Guess we are off to court to contest this. What a waste of money and a demoralizing time all round. Haven't people with ASD got enough to contend with????

God what a dreadful day.:(

  • Hi, back again!

    I would ask for a postponement immediately re your court appearance on Mon - how ridiculous of them to give you no time at all to prepare yourself- bullying tactics in my opinion. I would be really tempted to get your MP involved - give him/her a break from his/her campaign nonsense! You need support - I thought I didn't need help but with everything else 'hitting the fan' my rep. has been really supportive.

    Don't let them intimidate you - they are just doing a job and are not involved emotionally - we are doing the real work! X

  • Coogy,

    Is there any legal aid available? I haven't had any experience of this so this may be clutching at straws.

    If you did get a lawyer then I would guess they would call for an adjournment of the case until they can get a handle on the case.

    Have you rung the council call centre - it may well be somewhere remote i.e. not at the town hall which is why nobody could see you.

  • My son earns under the weekly amount he would receive for JSA, but he doesn't care because he's occupied (not sitting on street corners like many.) and because he feels valued. DWP just don't understand that it's not about the money, it's about contributing and feeling of value.

    At a time in their life when they've really had a belly full of negitive reinforcement through education and poor services, it feels like a kick in the face when all you are doing is making the effort.

    Socks, Tribunal is probably my only option for child tax credits and child benefit, however the DWP error has had a knock on effect on everything else, so now I also have court on Monday with the local council for council tax, I don't believe we owe!

    I realise that an individual who represents himself has a fool for a lawyer, but i've been left no time to brief a lawyer and I now have no money to pay for one. I only got the court papers two days ago! I went to the council office to speak with them, but they said I had to phone in. Nobody would speak to me.

    Feel like i'm chasing my tail.

    YL I will try and contact the local carers centre for advice. Thanks for your pointers folks.

  • Hi Coogy

    I am in a bit of a rush to get out so I will write as much as I can.

    I had to apply to the Tribunal Service and down loaded it all off the internet - http://www.tribunals.gov.uk/

    I appealed against the DWP back in Jan and they refused it - I got hold of the line manager at DWP and asked for his explanation for their decision but he said I hadn't made things obvious enough about the severity of the situation! I was livid of course but was then forced/humiliated to continue the appeal - filled in more forms but this time went to the CAB - I really don't think they have a lot of experience with our problems so I have had three lengthy meetings which took time and energy (which we don't have). I have since found that our local authority run Carer's Group gets help from a local solicitor who gives her time free to help guys like us- could you ring round a few solicitors in your area! This all takes time and it stinks!

    Another option is your MP which we nearly resorted to and still may need! The DWP just don't understand the problems faced - a sketch from 'Little Britain' comes to mind... "Computer says NO!" Could the NAS give you some guidance too - I am really clutching at straws! My daughter's case was re Carer's Allowance and getting across her problems so a little different from your son's but I can see that the DWP haven't a clue regarding our kid's need for independence/support.

    Sorry if I haven't been too helpful - Longman/Sox will hopefully come along with some great ideas.


  • Coogy,

    Really sorry to hear about all this. Sounds like YL has gone through this mill before and has good advice.

    Have you thought of advocacy www.autism.org.uk/.../advocacy-and-autism.aspx ?

    The idea of going into a tribunal without representation sounds alarming - from the point of view of having experience of going through an employment tribunal with representation and also the idea of any autistic person trying to communicate a convincing case in such a situation. I would try and find someone to help you make your case.

  • Yorkshirelass,

      Thanks for your kind words. It's not often that I experience such a dramatic day from start to finish. My son is very disturbed just now and he doesn't need this. My other son who had to come with me, was deeply shocked by it all and kept saying no wonder people are taking their own lives.

    We chose supported part-time work because he didn't want to be unemployed and because he wants to have a purpose. Seems so cruel. He's done voluntary, apprentadhip, the works, but this has been the best fit for him and he's finally happy. I don't want him to stop. It's pin money really, but they (DWP)don't get it!

    I work so hard for the boys and have no time or energy left for this nonsence.

    Can you tell me how do I go to tribunal to appeal. Are their rules on time etc? who do I ask? CAB chap didn't seem to know. 

    I have no representative for court and CAB have been really poor. All they could help me with was a food parcel from the food bank (for which I am greatful, because we have no food since they cut off our benefit) I cried with the humiliation of it all.

    The guy said he had no clue about Autism! That was evident.

    Quite overwhelmed. not sure where to turn!


  • Hi Coogybear.

    Its still possable for your Son to find employment just a matterof speaking to th wright person, not everyones unsympathetic. Have you looked at voluntary work? its an  to opportunity find something that would keep your son content.

    I was told the other day by a psychologist  that theres not alot of support for people with Autism out there. This is before i'm sent for assesment, I've worked the last 10 years and hearing that makes it all sound grim.

    voluntary work could be an idea, its something i've thought about can't help feeling pursuing this necessary process is making me unemployable for the future.

  • Hi Coogy!

    Sorry you have had a horrid ( I could use some other descriptive word but I daren't!) day - it just is so unfair that guys like us are the ones who suffer and I think between us are probably educating the ignorants at DWP (oops, did I say that?!!!).

    I am waiting to go to appeal at tribunal too and not just for the money I think my daughter deserves/needs, but to have my half hour in court to 'inform' judge and jury about the world of autism - it has left me tired and emotional and not something I feel I can talk to my friends about as they won't 'get' it.

    Get some rest , put today to one side and take a deep breath. I know you have fought for years for your sons and you are a credit to them/yourself and an inspiration to the rest of us who struggle along. If we all keep 'chipping away' at the DWP, Sencos, Paeds, MP's etc then one day we will get justice. 

    I told the guys at the Tribunal Service that I couldn't make mornings or Friday pm's for my tribunal as I would be too busy/ burned out by the end of the week - felt so much better - but I bet all these 'clerks to the Judge' haven't a clue. The C.A.B. have been great help,but I've had to make sure my rep. has done her research/homework in order to really represent me.

    Big hugs - you are doing great, but look after No.1!
