Does he know?

Hi all :)

You may have seen a topic i prerviously posted very recently about my boys. Im a mom of 3. I have got  my one boy through alot of the process to the point they have said its Autism and ADHD but it hasnt been put on paper as yet as hes yet to see a phsycotherapist and my other son hasnt even got to first screening yet. This in mind, I have so many questions, so please forgive me as no matter what i read it seems so vague. My main question being if this is the case, does my nearly 6 year old son know? is he aware of his autism and ADHD? If not when do they become aware of it? do you tell them or do you not say anything at all ( i wouldnt until it was on paper anyway). Also my one son has alot of hitting, bitting to others and himself, he uses baby talk and grunts, these things sometimes make me wonder is all this behaviour completely his condition OR is some of it just an average nearly 6 year olds behaviour? Im very confused. I know alot of the things he does isnt that of someone his age but say like when hes boundary pushing is that the nearly six year old or is it part of the condition or both? the reason i ask this as im so worried about time out if its something that cant be helped, in fact should i be time outing anyway?  Im in a place where im questioning everything he does (not to him like i just think is this his way of saying i cant cope or is it him just being a head strong nearly 6 year old?) , im questioning everything we do like should i time out if his behaviour is unacceptable (but then it might not be his fault and so i dont want him to feel misunderstood). I often wonder if he knows as im scared that he might feel alone or isolated and i really dont want that. I mean he seems happy enough until hes in one of his outbursts but i am a worrier and the thought of them feeling misunderstood for even a second turns my stomach. If theres anyone out there with autism / ADHD or both a point of view and advice from you would be greatly appreciated as i just want to understand and do the best for my boys. My boys havent changed overnight and i would like to think that i know them every inch of the way however if theres anything i can do to understand the way they see the world then that can only benefit them surely? thank you for reading my post, and thank you in advance to anyone that can contribute, it means alot. Best Wishes, Lisa :)

  • Mum knows all about it, I've been bottling it up and school and ranting every time she gets home from work. She's been in there and verbally slapped sir down at least twice already but all it seems to do is pacify them a while, and they tend to give you dirty looks when they think you're not looking.

    At the moment she's working on finding ways of getting in contact with the local MP to file a series of complaints regarding lack of education regarding mental health 'illnessess', the fact that it took me having a break down and taking myself into CAHMs to get diagnosed not the school recognising I was struggling as well as a bunch of other things I can't remember.

    The one thing that I hear them say to other students in 6th form who've got the guts to stand up to them is this, 'If you hate it so much why don't you go somewhere else?' than the small fact that for many of us, its the closest, it's got the best grades, no where else has free places at this time of the year and you'd get called in for truancy then fined hundreds of pounds? And thats just for normal people. I stayed because I reasoned 'better the devil you know' rather than going through (for me) the trauma of going to a new place with new people etc.

    I'm really hoping uni will be better, from what I hear I'll be allowed to work on my own on projects without having someone leaning over my shoulder scruitinising my work. I mean, now whenever I hear anyone say 'Thats really good!' or '"Thats brilliant!' about my artwork, I mentally prepare myself for the 'but' then a series of nit picks which no one would ever notice (I got critisised for not getting the shape of a skull right in an ABSTRACT painting!).

    Just wondering, how does Brad cope with his teachers? Does he have the nice one, the mental one, the whiny one, the strict one and the unreasonable one?


  • Mum knows all about it, I've been bottling it up and school and ranting every time she gets home from work. She's been in there and verbally slapped sir down at least twice already but all it seems to do is pacify them a while, and they tend to give you dirty looks when they think you're not looking.

    At the moment she's working on finding ways of getting in contact with the local MP to file a series of complaints regarding lack of education regarding mental health 'illnessess', the fact that it took me having a break down and taking myself into CAHMs to get diagnosed not the school recognising I was struggling as well as a bunch of other things I can't remember.

    The one thing that I hear them say to other students in 6th form who've got the guts to stand up to them is this, 'If you hate it so much why don't you go somewhere else?' than the small fact that for many of us, its the closest, it's got the best grades, no where else has free places at this time of the year and you'd get called in for truancy then fined hundreds of pounds? And thats just for normal people. I stayed because I reasoned 'better the devil you know' rather than going through (for me) the trauma of going to a new place with new people etc.

    I'm really hoping uni will be better, from what I hear I'll be allowed to work on my own on projects without having someone leaning over my shoulder scruitinising my work. I mean, now whenever I hear anyone say 'Thats really good!' or '"Thats brilliant!' about my artwork, I mentally prepare myself for the 'but' then a series of nit picks which no one would ever notice (I got critisised for not getting the shape of a skull right in an ABSTRACT painting!).

    Just wondering, how does Brad cope with his teachers? Does he have the nice one, the mental one, the whiny one, the strict one and the unreasonable one?


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