Does he know?

Hi all :)

You may have seen a topic i prerviously posted very recently about my boys. Im a mom of 3. I have got  my one boy through alot of the process to the point they have said its Autism and ADHD but it hasnt been put on paper as yet as hes yet to see a phsycotherapist and my other son hasnt even got to first screening yet. This in mind, I have so many questions, so please forgive me as no matter what i read it seems so vague. My main question being if this is the case, does my nearly 6 year old son know? is he aware of his autism and ADHD? If not when do they become aware of it? do you tell them or do you not say anything at all ( i wouldnt until it was on paper anyway). Also my one son has alot of hitting, bitting to others and himself, he uses baby talk and grunts, these things sometimes make me wonder is all this behaviour completely his condition OR is some of it just an average nearly 6 year olds behaviour? Im very confused. I know alot of the things he does isnt that of someone his age but say like when hes boundary pushing is that the nearly six year old or is it part of the condition or both? the reason i ask this as im so worried about time out if its something that cant be helped, in fact should i be time outing anyway?  Im in a place where im questioning everything he does (not to him like i just think is this his way of saying i cant cope or is it him just being a head strong nearly 6 year old?) , im questioning everything we do like should i time out if his behaviour is unacceptable (but then it might not be his fault and so i dont want him to feel misunderstood). I often wonder if he knows as im scared that he might feel alone or isolated and i really dont want that. I mean he seems happy enough until hes in one of his outbursts but i am a worrier and the thought of them feeling misunderstood for even a second turns my stomach. If theres anyone out there with autism / ADHD or both a point of view and advice from you would be greatly appreciated as i just want to understand and do the best for my boys. My boys havent changed overnight and i would like to think that i know them every inch of the way however if theres anything i can do to understand the way they see the world then that can only benefit them surely? thank you for reading my post, and thank you in advance to anyone that can contribute, it means alot. Best Wishes, Lisa :)

  • Heyyyy :D

    MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!! hope its a fabulous year for you!

    Oww hope you are better now?  ow no so why cant camhs see you i know you will be 18 but isnt there like a follow on place for adults?

    Oww i know this is easier said then done but try not to think about it, pre empting things makes things worse, i know, i do it alot too lol!

    You will have to let me know how you get on with your results although they will be great i know!! :)

    Brad and Callum are great they cope better at home, and are alot calmer (however took them to a social club last night someone gave them party poppers brad nearly had my eye out hes managed to gve me a burn mark under my eye! still dont know who gave them to them :( ) not their brightest idea! see up the social club everyone knows everyone its like a little family but the boys get overwhelmed sometimes. but all in all they had a fab time, its good to see them as relaxed as they can be! got the lava lamp they love it!! got them ds's and mp3 players  too and its help divert their attentions alot so we are happy that theyre happy :)

    aww so you n callum are the same with massage then :D ooh yeah i hate contact i dont appreciate any contact even if im upset i hate hugs really dont like them.

    have you been out? what did you have nice for christmas?

    Hope youre enjoying your new years day :)

  • HI!

    Sorry for disappearing. I ended up with my worst viral cold to date (I honestly prefer tonsilitus to this flu-ish abomination, I looked near-death opposed to my usual gothic death-like appearence, wasn't impressed) with caused me to stay at home and miss school, consequently making me freak out about what I'd missed, then the initial horror of getting ready for Christmas, and then I was politely informed that CAHM's can't have anything to do with me as soon as I turn 18 in about two months time....

    Anyone want stress? I've got buckets.

    Results are a loooong way off for now. So, as long as I keep on track at school I should find out later this year.

    Hows Brad and Callum? And as for Callum and his massage its not that surprising at all really. Occassionally my mum will attempt to massage my back through my clothes and I literally melt, I've been told its hilarious, though I tend to flee at suggestions of a 'proper' massage by a proffessional (as if we could afford one XD) purely because I don't like the feeling of hands on generally covered parts of my body. I freak if someone manages to put their hand on my shoulder when I'm wearing a vest top!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you as well!

  • Hiya :D

    hehehe! yeah its quite easy to get road rage on a motorway, particularly as theyre going in the same direction the whole time and theres nowt else to look at so their foolish driving skills grate on your nerves more lol! (assuming you were on motorway as thats how we get down south lol!)

    WOW thats fantastic mate! are you proud? you really should be! :)

    The police have been a real support have made an official log and will monitor the situation. Brads bounced back a little from what he was so thats good. He doesnt have any friends at school, he plays alone, only about 5% of the time does he mention playing with anyone. But he stays in computers instead now and he like that. Aww I will do, he will love that (even though he hugs awkwardly he still likes hugs)

    We are doing ok thank you, just bobbing along, callum has a new treatment where i have to do pressure massage with a scrubbing brush sounds random i know but has quite a calming effect on him! their little brother is causing mayhem with them at the moment, hes 11 months and learned that he can climb and pull his broothers and that he will just get told no so he keeps winding his two big bros up at the moment!

    when will you get your results? are you feeling prepared? its lovely to hear from you, and know that youre doing well :) and will pass that hug on to brad now :)

  • Back! Just finished working through the backlog of homework caused by the uni interview, mum insisted on trying to teach me rules of the road the whole way there and back, turns out I easily get road rage when muppets don't indicate. ¬¬

    I got a conditional offer! I only need at least one A and one B to get into the uni I want, and I'm aiming for A's in all three subjects. ;3

    Its assault, even if they can't at least they'll be aware. I hope Brads feeling better :( Poor guy. Give him my best wishes. Does he have any friends at school who'd consider walking with him to places? If hes in a group the thugs should be less likely to attack again and it'd be more secure for Brad if he knows he's got people physcially there to protect him. Sod it, give him a hug from me, no matter how awkward it may seem. xD

    'Heres a hug from girl over internet!' XD

    Hope you're doing well. :)

  • ahh really? FAB! ahh you must let me know how you get on! hehehehe! your moms giving you the run around then eh? :D shudnt giggle but i can imagine how seriously annoying that must be! I would chase the thing too! :) im not sure the police will be able to help but its worth a try? hes so scared, no wonder he keeps having accidents. ive just been up to check on them all. and seeing the mark on his head breaks my heart it really does :( im going to refuse to move tomorrow until the problems dealt with once and for all. :)

    Well a huge huge good luck for tomorrow, but you will be fine! Go and show them just how fab you are and enjoy the day! sending lots of good luck your way :)

  • We're drving down at 5am tomorrow morning ><

    I'm starting to regret informing mum of my hatred of Beiber, she sometimes plays his songs just to make me angry enough to chase the CD player to shut it up, by which time I'm too awake to go back to sleep.

    I hope the police get the ones that hurt Brad, they're bloody out of order. Hope he's feeling better. :(

  • Hiya :)

    well one teacher is trying to but unfortunately it seems the rest of the staff arent working with her.. in fact i question what they are doing? Ive contacted the Police in the hope they may be able to get involved as after all its a serious assault.

    Ah im glad you are getting on better with the SEN dept and that youre able to talk to the younger ones there. Seems like youve got a really good TA there too which is fab!

    He hehehe! I bet your mom did freak out bless her! I think i would a little too he he he! Furry things i can do.. but with faces would give me a start if i saw them at night :D

    mmmm chocolate yum yum! I would be hyper though after all that choccy n coke though :D how long is it now til you drive down? :)

  • Is the school doing anything about the bullying? I may hate mine but they've reinvented themselves as a strict no-bullying policy place. I got mobbed by a group of girls in year seven, dragged off my bike and hit for wearing a cycling helmet and all of them were excluded with the ringleader permanently excluded.

    I'm starting to get used to the fact that the SEN department care, and I've been spending more and more time with the younger kids there as its much easier to talk to them. My TA is really nice and shes starting to help me tackle all the problems coming up one at a time, including all the changes I'm having to deal with or will have to deal with.

    Mum's sort of freaked out, I've taken a real fancy to fur things but with faces. XD I've been only buying them from places where the animals are killed as part of a cull so there's no cruelty of fur farms involved but she doesn't like their faces.

    I've stocked up on chocolate, chocolate, more chocolate and yum yums for the trip down to Cornwall already, so maybe I'll be able to stay awake on the power of sugar and diet coke alone. XD

  • hiya :)

    aww thank you! :)  brads anxieties are running really high at the mo about everythin n anythin. to make it worse his bullying is gettin real bad too :( he even had his head stamped on today, and it has imprinted his head :( i feel tag teamed between the two older boys at the moment and im feeling mentally and emotionally drained. I dont blame them i blame the situation and the frustration that i cant speed the processes up so they can get extra help they both so need. callums OT visited today theyve give me a sensory scrubber to put pressure on his limbs as a form of relaxation. ive done it just it didnt appear to do anything but time will tell! :) theyve both got CAMHS appointments next week and if im honest they cant come round soon enough for them or me! hows things your end?

  • D: Poor Brad. Whats going on with him? Stress? School? Other kids?

    I hope things work out :( Here if you need more for translations.

  • Hiya KaloJaro :D

    awww yeah i was wondering how you were doing :) dont worry I know youre really busy with uni etc. ah thats brilliant news bout cornwall, will be keeping me fingers creossed for you!

    Wow the assembley sounds fab and such an opportunity for all, its really good you thought of it and even better if you decide to do it. People can never know too much and others understanding Aspergers will be an eye opener for some and explain alot of the things they didnt understand that they were maybe too afraid to ask?

    we are all good thank you, callums calmed down a little at the momoent, hes having a real good time. Brad however is really suffering at the moment, i dont know what to do for the best for him but we keep trying. Im mso worried for him, its actually giving me anxiety and its showing in my body. I just want everythin to hurry up so i can knnow how to try to begin to ease things for him. but apart from that we are all fab! im glad youve messaged me to let me know how you are getting on its made my day :)

  • I think you should do the Autism talk. It is so important to raise awareness of ASD in the school environment in order to prevent bullying and encourage understanding. I have given several talks on ASD to children but using computer conferencing technology. I hope at some point to actually go into a school and speak.

    I say go for it.

  • Hiya,

    Sorry it's been so long, been running around like a headless chicken (confused, blind and slightly worried I'll end up as lunch) trying to get things sorted out. I've gotten interviews with two of the Uni's I applied for and am travelling all the way to Cornwall to go see the first one this wednesday (looking forward to mums road rage, hilarious).

    I've also been debating about asking to do a school assembly about Autism at my school, purely because no one seems to understand what I mean when I say Aspergers (as though I'll suddenly become a jibbering wreck before their eyes, give me some credit, it takes 5 minutes of trying to make conversation to get me to that point) and because there's been a lot of coverage on TV about the autistic spectrum. Still debating about it though plan on dragging my friend up there with me (as though I'd do an assembly alone in front of 2,000 kids and staff, yeah right).

    How've you been? Callum still headbutting things? If he is try getting him into the habit of doing that complex yet awesome hand tap thing. Its like a mexican wave for your fingers, but takes a LOT of concerntration. Admittedly it may be annoying for anyone in the area but its better than giving himself brain damage. xD

  • hiya :)

    ohhhh ok i see! :) thanks for that :) yh callum loves his art too hes amazing at detail :) yh i thought he might be copying him. its not good at all :(  he seems to do alot of mimic as well like you :) I would be well happy if he copied michael mcintyre though to be fair hes an amazing comedian :D

  • I think I know what they mean by floppy hands. Thin about if you hold a pencil, your fingers and hand become rigid once you're holding the pencil and your wrist does small circular movements when you write, but keeps itself locked in a certain position as you write. When you have floppy hands, the fingers don't grip as much or the wrist doesn't support the hand as well as some others. It's like having pins and needles in your hand (if you want to try it, play playstation a while with the vibrating thing on, numb hand in minutes), no matter how hard you try you can't quiet keep it as steady as normal.

    I don't have any problems with floppy hands (unless I've got pins and needles) but I've always been attracted to art since I was young, so maybe I grew out of it in order to improve my pictures.

    He could be mimicking the little one, mum keeps calling me 'Mimic' now because thats how I've learned all my behaviours, shes now identified 5 of her traits, 2 of my dads, and 3 of Michael Macintyres' speech and movements.

  • Hiya :)

    Oh dear sounds like youve had a bad day today then :( not good at all :(  as for the loud noise can you drown it out with an ipod or something? Oh dear walking round in this freezing weather isnt good either :(  I do hope things get better for you today!! :) Callum had his motor skills tested etc today.. in general scored between 50- 80% so thats really good! they mentioned his hand writing method and that his muscles in his hands were a bit floppy / bendy?? ( which i dont understand as if they didnt bend you couldnt pick things up?)  but main thing is that part of the process dont need to get involved with Callum so thats fantastic :) Callums been headbutting again today.. :/ the more hes doing it the more im wondering if it is attention he does it for or the other thing im thinking is if its because his nearly 11 month old brother keeps headbutting everyone and everything.. who knows ?! :/ hope that youre feeling much happier soon :)

  • Tiring day. :S

    Woke up, went CAHM's, got action plan in place for further appointments. Went home (got kicked out of the car outside the house as mum was in a rush to get to work XD) and checked emails to see if I still needed to go to school despite having no lessons (the trip that was out of order took up the only lessons I had). Got told by teacher to come in and sign in anyway. Walked dog until I had to go school. Went school. Resisted urge to hit others or my head against the wall as dimwit teacher realises that when I said 'local library' I meant 'local library' not 'life centre that is right near the school that has next to no books'. So, came home, got things, went to the high street, found the library. Spent two hours tracking down the books I wanted, came home.

    Am now enduring my sister and her loud annoying friends.

    Note: I still have to update my Oyster Card to free so I had to walk all day.

  • aww thats really kind of you to have done that bless you! :) hehe another sweet smuggle ;D  yeah brad just cant help himself either he gets caught in the moment and loses sight of everyone else in the room! he he he! OMG yeah not the best eh when you get teachers like that! lol we used to get loads of them at our school too! and why do they all insist on those awful awful fishnet tights!! :( yak! hehehe i dont blame you and your friend writing that idve been sick lol! :D

  • Electro globes are highly addictive, and sometimes can make your hair stand on end xD

    Myself and two of my cousins got one each a few years ago but Ellicia's got broken by accident and she started crying, so I gave her mine. I was more attatched to the sweets I'd smuggled up from dessert. xD Plus she's my favourite cousin, she knows the way I think better than anyone else so it does upset me when she cries, even if shes only a few months younger than me.

    My cousin Paul used to do that to me all the time when my mum or aunt was trying to help me with my homework, although he did do it just to annoy me. I couldn't help myself and the answer kept blurting out anyway but I've managed to reduce that down to a mumble now if the question's not directed at me. Its taken years but I've managed. :)

    I went into shock in year 10 when an old (I mean, this lady has wrinkles on her wrinkles) teacher came in for a cover lesson with a halterneck top that loosely covered her 'bab's' and a skirt that ended shortly after her hips, with fishnet tights on.

    After ten full minutes of staring blankly in horror my mate Annie managed to put some scrap paper in front of me and we both started off writing 'Ewewewewewewew' repeatedly across the page...then somehow ended up writing the lyrics to 'I'm Blue Da ba dee da ba die'... was a good distraction but still, it was the one lesson where I wasn't the only one that struggled to look at the teacher. XD

  • Hey :)

    hehehe yh they loved it :) oh i know my washers a nightmare but its ticking over again so cant grumble :D  Omg yh i know officewear is so inappropriate nowadays, its like your off to a club some of it! but to be fair i think the teachers are guilty of wearing innapropriate clothes sometimes too! :/ I can t grumble bout my boys two teachers though, Callums wears fluorescent pink leopard prints which callum loves apparently as it matches her hair! and my other boys is very old fashioned :) at their old school though there were a few times i thought should you wear that to go to a classroom? but nevermind! Yeah i put a dvd on much to their amusement as the boy on there just like them is always naughty! hehehehe! it kept them occupied for about an hour! they argue terrible over tv and games and consoles (which most of todays have been about) hehehe! Ow i see yeah spot the difference ones yeah never thought of them will have to give them a go :D  ive done a bit of home tutoring today but gosh it was hard work! brad couldnt stop shouting callum the answers so he'd get cross throw a tantrum so we then would have to start allll over again. Callums seen an electro globe so he wants one of those now too tee he he! :D