New to Spectrum

Good Evening everyone,

I have recently been at the GP with my 3 n 1/2 year old son. The GP has said he believe my son to be on the spectrum, leaving me to enter into a new world completely blind.

This has come about because my son physically attacks me and has soo much aggression towards me but at the same time can be soo clingy and loving. It gets very confusing as to why he does this when there is no obvious reason for his actions. Since the GP tol me this I have researched alot and my son is getting alot worse day by day and i am really struggling as a single mum with limited support. I feel my son is changing far too quick and any stratagy i try is just infuriating him more.

I completed a criteria checklist for PDA a my son scored 66 which is extremely high at this point. I am alone in this at the moment as the GP has tried to get CAMHS to see him but they refused despite te fact the GP said my son is the worse he has seen in his entire career for aggression towards me for no apparent reason. 

Anyway I have rambled enough now I just dont know what to feel, how i should be parenting him or literally anything now I just feel so helpless for my little one as he must feel so mixed up in his own young mind.

  • Hi thanks for your reply.

    My son speaks all to well for his age, he is very intelligent too. My GP only gave me his belief on Monday after only seeing my son once 2 weeks previous. My son attends nursery and has done since e was 1, they have never had any concerns about him and say that he is like all the other children his age apart from been more forward. This week they have witnessed my sons aggression when i have picked him up and they are shocked how different he is with me.

    My GP said i have to keep a diary for some weeks of his diet, moods and aggresion etc to build up evidence if you like. He also asked me to record his aggression if i could. I must admit i am on day 3 of the diary and it is the same things i have wrote only getting more often with his aggression towards me. He is at the point now where I am covered in marks all round my neck from him pinching it and bruises on my legs from him punching and kicking.

    I feel like i cant last many more weeks of this before i next see the GP. But im affraid there is nothing he can do without more evidence and a longer period of the diary.

    My sons dad and i are seperated and hes abroad, he says i need to be more firm with him and that i let him do this because he isnt like it with anyone else.

  • Hi thanks for your reply.

    My son speaks all to well for his age, he is very intelligent too. My GP only gave me his belief on Monday after only seeing my son once 2 weeks previous. My son attends nursery and has done since e was 1, they have never had any concerns about him and say that he is like all the other children his age apart from been more forward. This week they have witnessed my sons aggression when i have picked him up and they are shocked how different he is with me.

    My GP said i have to keep a diary for some weeks of his diet, moods and aggresion etc to build up evidence if you like. He also asked me to record his aggression if i could. I must admit i am on day 3 of the diary and it is the same things i have wrote only getting more often with his aggression towards me. He is at the point now where I am covered in marks all round my neck from him pinching it and bruises on my legs from him punching and kicking.

    I feel like i cant last many more weeks of this before i next see the GP. But im affraid there is nothing he can do without more evidence and a longer period of the diary.

    My sons dad and i are seperated and hes abroad, he says i need to be more firm with him and that i let him do this because he isnt like it with anyone else.

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