Patience on Channel 4

Did anyone watch 'Patience' on Channel 4 last night?

It's the UK remake of the French series, 'Astrid et Raphaelle', featuring a young autistic woman who works in criminal records. She has a photographic memory for cases and tries to insert herself into investigations.

Unlike the French series, the UK one (filmed in York) features autistic actors in all of the autistic roles. I've watched the French series, which I really enjoyed. 

My initial impressions of Patience is that it looks and feels quite different, and I really liked Ella Maisy Purvis as Patience. It seemed a much more natural performance than Sara Mortensen in Astrid.

It's on the Channel 4 streaming service and the second episode is on TV at 9pm tonight.

  • I haven’t watched Patience yet but plan to watch it tonight.

    I enjoyed Astrid et Raphaelle but the portrayal of autism was very stereotypical and exaggerated, which was a bit disappointing.

    I had hoped Patience would be better in this regard because the actress is autistic, but there is a review in the Guardian that says it’s very stereotypical again. That said, there were aspects of that review that suggest to me the reviewer didn’t understand autism.

    I guess I’ll find out tonight!

  • I read the Lucy Mangan review and thought it was a bit harsh. 

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  • There were some really clueless things in the review. For example, this made me irate:

    Does revealing a condition make it appear shameful? Isn’t the onus always on anyone to declare something only they know is affecting them”


    ”She is given little to do other than fiddle with puzzles, remind people that she doesn’t like to be touched and that she likes order, and try to guard against the burnout that will apparently occur if she ever puts a toe out of the archive and engages with the messy world”