What happens if one NATO member attacks anohter?

As the title says what happens if one NATO member attacks another? WIth Trump threatening Denmark over Greenland and Panama over the canal, what would and should other NATO members do? Personally I think they could kick America out of the alliance, Trump is threatening Canada too, albeit with serious economic sanctions, but is this any less an act of war than a military option? What does he want Canada for anyway?

People think it's all just noise and that he won't do any of these things once in office, I'm not sure I believe that, I think there's every chance he will.

  • Thatcher used it though in going to war with Argentina.

    As for the pending question about whether a Nato country would fight another, I can only hope it doesn't come to that. How do you deal with a loose cannon? 

  • I can’t believe there aren’t protests in the street already.

    Remember more than half of people who voted actually wanted him in power. They knew what he did and what he was promising to do, so this was intentional.

    The majority of Americans wanted this sort of stuff to happen based on the fact they voted for this monster.

    So I guess he does represent a heck of a lot of Americans.

    Why are they not protesting? As says there is extreme weather in the more left leaning states so they have their hands full. Most of the other states don't care I would guess.

  • Thatcher was helped by the Argentinians invading the Falklands, rather than starting a war herself.


    Trump gets to throw his weight about which seems to be what he likes doing best, I think he's emboldened not just by his victory and the size of it, but by the people he has on his side, like Musk, who have such a massive global audience. Trump has said himself that he will do things "better" than last time and will be less controlled by the insitutions of state. Trump has said before that he's not a Christian himself, although he's happy to use the Chrisitan Fundamentslists for his own gain. Thinking about what's in this for Tump assumes that he's in control of his marbles, we have to hope he is and that he's not lost it and totally believing in his own propaganda. He may just be making a lot of noise before taking office so as he will appear reasonable whilst in it? This would fit with his previous presidency, but I'm not sure, I think the question we should be asking is, what will it take to make America great again? What does that actually mean? Does it mean territorial expansion? There seems to be little left that America can lead the world in now, everybody's going to space, there's a distrust of American diplomacy and few want the "American Dream". A war is a good way to deflect bad news like the disaster in California and the environment in general, it keeps the attention on him and his need to be seen as "a big strong man" strutting about the world stage.


    But outside of Trump, the original question remains, what ould happen if one Nato member attacks another?

  • I'm amazed that Trump went for it and got in again. It does seem to bear out the idea that when things are not looking promising, your average craven citizen looks for security in a Strong Leader.  Doesn't matter that they are gangsters, or a tad sociopathic. As long as they follow the machiavellian handbook for tyrants they're good. And now look where we are. 

    Not sure if this isn't just posturing or not. But the Falklands War saved Thatcher, Who at the time was hated, but not hated enough by the critical voters that matter. 

  • In assessing anything that Trump does you have to think, 'What is in it for Trump personally"? Like Boris Johnson, Trump has only one interest, himself. Though he talks about God a lot, he has no interest in God, though he talks about America, he has no interest in America, except when he sees the country as an extension of his own ego. He uses 'weaponised uncertainty' constantly to get what he wants. That is what he is doing now. Perhaps he wants to build military bases in Greenland, by threatening invasion, he is not seriously intent on invasion, but thinks he can leverage concessions from Denmark by saying it is on his mind. Invading Canada is a non starter, imagine US troops being sniped at by every Canadian with a rifle. The Canadian national identity is based on 'not being American', and was forged in their successful defence against an invasion by America in the War of 1812. Besides the American public are sick of foreign interventions, Iraq and Afghanistan were both costly in American lives and achieved little and nothing, respectively.

  • Heh heh.

    That reminds me of a particular military excercise when an NCO had been giving me the special treatment for a few days so at the frist oportunity that presented itself I did exactly that.

    I threw a thunderflash into his foxhole just as the enemy were attacking us... ;c)

    He stopped giving me the "special treatment" after that. <GRIN> 

  • The Nuremburg trials of Nazi war criminals made the concept of committing war crimes due to 'just following orders', no defence. If the USA invaded Greenland or Canada, it would be breaking international law and every single participant would be open to prosecution as war criminals. Would there be chaos within the US military, would some refuse to participate? I think so, Trump would be very foolish to try, not just generally foolish, but foolish for his own wellbeing and position and he is supremely self-interested. Remember, in Vietnam, an unpopular war, American soldiers, when pushed too far killed their own officers. It became so frequent that it gained its own name, 'fragging' (from  the fragmentation grenade, the usual method).

  • There may not be protests in the streets yet as one half of America seems to be under a thick blanket of snow and ice whilst the other burns. I think ordinary people have to many disasters on their hands to worry about Trump at the momment.

  • But would they do anything to prevent it!

    I can’t believe there aren’t protests in the street already.

  • Are you sure about that Martin? What I've seen over the past years of watching America's foreign adventures, I think they're quite happy to believe that the rest of the world would welcome them with open arms, but they don't know what to do when people don't welcome them, when it costs money and lives. America seems to leap into war with it's head in a pillow, thinking all they have to do is turn up and offer maccy d's and disney and everyone will be happy.

    A majority of people may not embrace imperialism, but that dosen't mean they're not going to get it.

  • Unfortunately, the majority of Americans are neither well educated nor well informed. This is the reason that they elected a narcissistic, amoral moron as president, twice. However, the idea that the majority of the US people would embrace imperialistic annexations of the territory of other sovereign nations, allied nations, is misplaced. 

  • If war breaks out, a huge number of people die or are horribly maimed. 

    Every time. That's why I don't want my country involved in another one. 

    We lost so much wealth and so many people men in particular during WW1 and WW2, that we really should have learned our lesson now. 

    An ancient chinese curse is said to be: "May you live in interesting times"

    The trump presidency whatever else it might be, should be "interesting"..

  • I’m beginning to get the sense of that and I keep wondering to myself, will they really go through with a global nuke conflict that they cannot stop once it starts? 

  • The wider global geopolitical situation is really tense right now including in Ukraine v Russia (regardless of Putin or his generals) and many nuke countries like Russia, North Korea, the CCP, Afghanistan (Taliban/Isis) Syria & Iran are reported to be collapsing from within, yet are all (even the CCP, itself a globalist player and against Taiwan) poised to fire their nukes at the west if NATO and the CCP (for its own interests alone) invades Russia after Russia’s defeat in Ukraine, even if they don’t feel threatened themselves - the very fact that the U.K. has nukes makes the U.K. into a prime target for such unhinged nuke nations who just want to settle decades long disputes with the west and in such circumstances, no nation in the world can truly call itself neutral when one nation fires its nukes across the borders of another nation - aside from my native Ireland, who is neutral yet a member of the UN Security Council and is heavily reliant on the RAF and the Royal Navy for its defence needs, the other neutral countries include Switzerland and Austria, who are prepared to defend their neutrality by Millitary means - I simply don’t trust Trump, as he has decieved and betrayed the American people far too many times since 2016 

  • it’s been a useful distraction from his court sentencing and his lack of a plan to reduce prices.

    You are quite right.

    If you look back when he has been in the spotlight for fairly major negative things (rather often is seems) then when he is approaching a day when there will be a lot of focus on his wrongdoings then he will say some of the most outrageous stuff in order to make a media frenzy about it and distract from the bad news coming out.

    The press know this - there have been plenty of articles covering the technique - but they like to create a press frenzy as it gets views for their articles.

    Funny how it isn't fake press when it is doing his bidding.

  • I agree A, FB and Instagram are removing all the fact checking from the US only, which I think say's it all really, they're just araid of Trump.

    I also agree about the comments on Keir Starmer, I remember when he was DPP and his stance on sex crimes and gangs, sadly there seems to have been progress at all and things have gone backwards since.

    It may just all be hot air from Trump, but it's dangerous hot air, words have consequenses just as much as actions do and being relieved later when he rows back and tries to be reasonable is no consolation. He's a bully, plain and simple. Who will he pick on next? Will it be us?

  • Yes, Musk’s attacks on Jess Phillips were reprehensible and crossed a line. It’s also unbelievable that a member of the US government called for our prime minister to be jailed.

    We need to ban X. Sadly it looks like Facebook is going the same way.

  • I completely agree with you A. It's not just Trump either but the people around him like Elon Musk, attacking Jess Phillips of all people and calling a a genocide rape appologist! After all that woman has done to try and change the way victims of sexual violence are treated, for years and years! She's a hero and a legend! There was a brilliant interview with her on Newsnight last night, as she said, have her detractors ever driven across country through the night to rescue a woman, who's escaped from a sex gang?

    I'm not sure we need yet another enquiry when the recomendations from the last one haven't been enacted yet. Maybe later when the recomendations have passed into law, to see if there's more that needs doing. But I think the biggest change needed is the attitudes of police and council services. When a 12 year old girl goes to a police station and says she's been raped and gets told to go away and come back when sober, why did no one think to ask why was a 12 year old drunk, who gave her alcohol and where?

    I think American prices will rise because nobody will want to do business with them, there will be tit for tat tariffs and for what?

  • I basically agree Desmond, it’s been a useful distraction from his court sentencing and his lack of a plan to reduce prices.

    But from what I can see online, he has really frightened the people of Denmark, disgusted the people of Canada and is undermining political, economic and security alliances that have lasted for several decades.

    He may just be doing his usual bullying, but there will be real consequences.