Hello - Can anybody help?

Hi to all,

Through much effort of trying to understand why I repeatidly struggle with certain aspects of life I have been informed that I am an Aspie with ADHD.

Having this information helps me to "put labels" on certain behaviours and difficulties, but it has yet to help me understand how I can overcome any difficulties I have.

Can anybody help? I was advised by a mental health nurse to continue researching Asperger Syndrome and ADHD as well as join support groups. So here I am taking those steps.

One area that is really affected in my concentration and memory. I am very absent minded and struggle with reading. It's hard to describe without waffling on, so I will refrain for now other than to say that doing this research through the written medium is very very difficult and draining, and it makes further education a nightmare. I have many many times failed to make much progression with further education. I'm now approaching my mid 30's and with my new found information about myself, wish to yet again try to further myself - hoping that there are people out there who can share their expereiences of how they overcame similar.

I just need help and advice really... it's hard to ask for and put into words. If anybody knows of any contacts for self help groups in the Plymouth, UK area, passing on those contact details would be one way of helping.


Thank you for your time. Steve

  • Yes that is a difficult one. I used to work as a training officer in a previous life and one of the things that stuck with me is that everyone can learn more if the method of teaching them is adjusted to their needs.

    Now you have your diagnosis could you ask to see someone like and occupational therapist/psychologist? They may be able to suggest strategies to tap into your learning style..so it isn't as hard for you.

    There will be a way forward for you I am sure of it...you may want to look a some kind of drawing course..photography or even CAD? If you found power point useful as a tool then maybe something like i have mentioned would be useful...you can aways ask at your local college what support they could offer you.

    I did a degree in fine art (coughs at how long ago that seems now) and there were plently of people on there with similar issues to you..there are lots of niches for visual thinkers..film, illustratin etc etc.

    When you feel more confident you may want to volunteer at a playgroup for kids with special needs..we have one near us and the children love doing craft activities and the stuff they have turned out is amazing. If you were absorbed in helping them it may help you overcome some of the social complexities.

    I am pleased you have found a support group opening up soon. I am sure it will help and you find others network ideas about what helped them.

    Ah well enough from me..I 've probably tired you out with all my typing.

    Good luck and keep in touch when you can.


  • Hi Oatcakes,

    I have found out that a "Self Help" group should be starting up in Plymouth round about September time, so I hope to be involved in that.

    My biggest hurdle... ok it's not my biggest but one of my most frustrating hurdles is with education. I am extremely absent minded at times and tire mentally very quickly with academic work... if I can utilise my creativity, then once I hook I am obsessed... but it's usually always something visual non text based. Recently I been asissting managers in putting together PowerPoint presentations and acheived visually good results for somebody who has had no training on the application, but I couldn't tell you much about the written content. However I could probably recall most of pictorial and animated content of them... I'm still learning about my impairments.. which is ADHD related and which is Asperger related although I feel that maybe sometime these cross over each other?


    It's all so so much to take in. I do know I am lacking in social skills. My ability to interact socially are better than some people I have met with Asperger Syndrome, but then I can't help but notice personality traits and social difficulties that are mirrored in myself. Although I do find myself Jealous of some individuals I have met who have memories like sponges and just absorb everything. I have a fire burning deep to acheive creative success... but have poor attention and memory really does hamper my learning curve in a society that prodominently measures ability and suitability through academic acheivement and ability. I want to help change that, improve the support and options available for people who struggle against the tide of ignorant perception of people who knowingly and unknowingly struggle to overcome such impairments as ASD.

    If anybody wishes to help me figure out how to educate society, raise awareness and improve opportunities for like minded people.

    Anyway, enough writing... I feel a stuttered rant coming on lol - THanks again OC ;)

  • Hi Steve


    I just wanted t say hello and welcome. I don't know if you have rung the NAS helpline but they would be able to email you more details if you were up to talking on the phone?

    I am sure the others will be along to welcome you too and the moderators will most likely give you some links to click on which will help you navigate the site quickly.

    There is loads of info out there so take your time.

    Let us know how you are getting along and take care
