Silly and amusing banter

This evening I feel that I have been reminded of the good old days, for which I am feeling incredibly thankful for.

I am aware that humour is subjective, and what might cause one person to find utterly amusing, can have the opposite effect on someone else. However, there was a time when exchanges of silly and amusing banter between community members on a similar wavelength happened regularly in this online community. Sometimes, there would be discussions that consisted of nothing but silly exchanges.

For some members of this community (including myself), these exchanges offered some much-needed escapism and light relief from some of the heavier topics often discussed in this community, and/or things happening in our own lives.

Some time ago, I had started to feel that the overall atmosphere of this community had changed, and not for the better. To me, it seemed like there was a lot of angst and barely anything discussion-wise to balance it out. I would frequently browse the forum discussions hoping to find something that would lift my spirits and cause me to giggle, or even laugh until I ached. Instead, I would rapidly find myself feeling disillusioned.

I don't want to end this post on a gloomy and sour note. Therefore, I would like to quote some of the lyrics from the Spitting Image 'Chicken Song':

Hold a chicken in the air
Stick a deckchair up your nose
Buy a jumbo jet
And then bury all your clothes
Paint your left knee green
Then extract your wisdom teeth
Form a string quartet
And pretend your name is Keith

Spitting Image - The Chicken Song (1984)