Panic attacks

Hey all

Just wanted to ask for any feedback about panic attacks. I won’t bore anyone too much but I had suffered with quite severe panic attacks for probably 30 years. I always used to think this was because of general anxiety, strange thing is for the last 8-10 months and have been panic free. This is not that long after my realisation that I am indeed autistic and started my journey of wading through my past and trying to figure myself out. This has been painful and I have been very desperate at times. I have been seeing a therapist for quite a while now and she is also neurodivergent. We talked about these attacks and through some clear detective work she suggested to me that the panic I suffered was not through fear of a panic attack but seemed to be a meltdown response. I now believe that the attacks happened to stop me from socialising and putting myself in an uncomfortable situation. Has anyone else looked at it in this way before? 
This sounds quite strange I know but I have never been free from this for as long as I have now and it seems to be too much of a coincidence. 
Or maybe I’m just completely losing my mind who knows with this rollercoaster journey. 

Thanks in advance 

  • This all sounds reasonable to me. During my life and before my diagnosis I had occasions where I think I had panic attacks in the night when I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about something. They could even be about trivial things. The most recent at Easter was when I was asked to organise the family Easter egg hunt quiz the night before. (I overcomplicated the whole thing in my mind, and it was actually a nice thing that I was asked). Another was when we were moving house to a new city (so can be about big things too) Mine are more like shutdowns not meltdowns.

  • This all sounds reasonable to me. During my life and before my diagnosis I had occasions where I think I had panic attacks in the night when I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about something. They could even be about trivial things. The most recent at Easter was when I was asked to organise the family Easter egg hunt quiz the night before. (I overcomplicated the whole thing in my mind, and it was actually a nice thing that I was asked). Another was when we were moving house to a new city (so can be about big things too) Mine are more like shutdowns not meltdowns.
