I can't go out by myself

I can't leave the house by myself. The last time I did was probably in 2020 when lockdown was about.. I don't know how to fix this. I don't know what I'm scared of exactly but I hate this feeling.

One of my hobbies is photography but my social phobia has stopped me from leaving my house and I can't do that hobby often anymore. I don't have friends I can go out with, I don't have anybody who I am comfortable enough with to go out for walks with but that's not the point. I want to be able to go out by myself again and do my photography I just don't know how.

  • so perhaps like I said you could first start with places were you arnt likely to bump into people then work your way up from there this is something that worked for me bear in mind I also had medication to help with the phobia and depression which helped but before going out to proper places where your likely to bump into people start with places that you arnt cause there are places like that this based on my exsperiance though as in my previous comment of course if you really want to go out again this could help build up your comfidance again and gradualy lessen the Anxiety over time 

  • so perhaps like I said you could first start with places were you arnt likely to bump into people then work your way up from there this is something that worked for me bear in mind I also had medication to help with the phobia and depression which helped but before going out to proper places where your likely to bump into people start with places that you arnt cause there are places like that this based on my exsperiance though as in my previous comment of course if you really want to go out again this could help build up your comfidance again and gradualy lessen the Anxiety over time 

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